Chapter 16

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November 12th, 1:30AM

Leon's POV:

I was slightly surprised to see them sitting in the same room when I got home. They were sitting on opposite sides of the room, but the atmosphere seemed calm. The fireplace was lit, finally, I thought, remembering how cold it was when I woke up. Both Killian and Milo looked up from their places, and their smiles almost made me lose their breath.

It had me wondering how I managed to get them. What kind of divine being was looking out for me, and had so graciously gifted me two of the most attractive people I'd ever seen. Not to mention, I had found that Milo was the most loyal, caring person once you got past his rugged looks. And I hoped to discover more about Killian, but so far, he had been more gentle with me than anyone else had in my life, and it was actually refreshing.

Unsurprisingly, they waited for me to approach one of them, and considering their feelings I chose to sit between them again.

"What did you do while I was gone?" I asked curiously.

"Caught up on some reading, and some... history," Killian supplied, as I noted the almost sheepish look on Milo's face. "As it turns out, what we thought we knew about each other wasn't entirely true."

"Oh?" I questioned, not intending to pry, but the desire for knowledge was there.

"I'll tell you about it sometime. We don't need to worry about it for now," Killian responded smoothly. "How was work?"

I sighed, trying to avoid the question for as long as possible. I wasn't necessarily embarrassed to admit where I worked, after all it was just a job to get me through the rest of college. Still, it usually raised quite a few questions. While I was thinking up a way to respond, Milo spoke up.

"Probably the same as usual. Patrons being too nosy and pushy, music too loud. The usual for a bartender, especially in this age."

"That's the most dated thing I've heard you say in a long time," I said as I rolled my eyes.

Milo gave me a look, and I considered continuing that conversation, but wanted to keep my work life more private, at least for now. Noting the very subtle look of surprise on Killian's face, I quickly decided to explain just a little more.

"It's nothing I can't handle, as long as it pays for my college it's worth it. I work at the bar on the corner of third and Elm, if you know it. Most of the time it's slow, but weekends are usually just worse," I supplied, ignoring Killian's expression as I explained.

"How have I never seen you there?" He asked incredulously.

"Not sure," I answered bluntly. "The customers there are usually... more gruff. And I don't work consistent shifts anyway. Don't take this any kind of way, but you don't exactly seem like the type to go there. It's a bit cheap and sticky for your taste."

Nervousness flooded my brain as I processed what I had actually said out loud, not wanting to offend him. When I heard him chuckle, my shoulders visibly relaxed, and I was relieved he hadn't taken offense to my observations.

"And what would you know of my taste?" He asked as he got up and walked over to me.

My breath hitched, and I held it as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind the chair. He remained standing, which made the angle the slightest bit awkward, but I leaned into his touch. All night while I was at work, my body ached. Not in a sexual way; my muscles and joints felt stiff and sore, and I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to go home. So, his gentle touch was extra comforting to me at that moment.

"Do you mind," Milo said dryly, his eyes now glued to the book in front of him.

Begrudgingly, I pulled myself out of Killian's arms. He tried to hold me for a few seconds longer, clearly also not happy with this arrangement. I gave him a patronizing look, trying to indicate that we could talk later. I couldn't handle any more bickering right now, let alone pissing contests over me. One more would more than likely send me over the edge.

"How would you like to go out tonight?" Killian asked, after leaning down to whisper the words into my ear.

I shivered a little, nodding my response. Glancing over at Milo, I saw that he had heard, and was watching us again. I beckoned him over, watching as he didn't hesitate to get up and kneel in front of my chair. Killian backed off slightly, putting more distance between himself and Milo.

"Wanna come with us?" I asked softly, reaching out to stroke his hair, just for a second.

"Where?" He asked, directing the question to Killian behind me.

Killian looked at me briefly, before responding to both of us, "There's a club a town over. Not many vampires go there, which is why I like it. I think you'll like it, too."

Milo sighed, but looked up at me. I tried and failed to contain my excitement. Any chance to dress up and go out made me ecstatic. I watched his expression soften, and he stood up with a sign.

"Let's go then. Someone needs to drive you two back," He said with a sigh, but I could tell he was faking his disappointment.

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