Chapter 4: The Villain attack

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"Speaking Normally"
"Speaking Telepathically"
"Speaking from TV/Screen/Intercom"

The screen comes on to show that it is now the end of the school day. It also showed Cassidy and the rest of the girls on a train going to the mall. "Hey, this is when that villain attacked," Kamui said and all the pro heroes who were there nodded. Cassidy sighed while messing with the white streak in her hair.

"I have also been curious about that. I kind of thought that she was starting to get gray hairs rather early." Mic admits. None of the girls said anything, remembering this conversation. "What's with the white streak in your hair *kero*?" Tsu said, looking at Cassidy. "Oh? This? I've had it since birth. I look a whole lot like my great aunt Helga except for my eyes, which are green. Her eyes are blue." Cassidy said and the girls looked at her confused. Except for Mina, Uraraka, and Tsu of course.

"...Interesting. I would like to see Miss. Helga at some point." Nezu said. Unvick didn't say anything, instead, the screen momentarily switches to show a young twenty-eight-year-old woman that looked identical to Cassidy. Except for her the fact that she was a bit older and had dark ocean-blue eyes. "Oh, wow. The resemblance is uncanny." Midnight said and many people agreed with her.

"Ah, right, you guys don't know." She mutters before explaining the whole amulet thing. The girls onscreen were rather shocked. "Woah, that's so cool," Toru said as they walked into the mall. Cassidy blinks before she takes a deep breath. "Don't worry. I got a black card. My parents do already know what's going on and gave me full permission to use it." She said, holding up said card. "Man, we're lucky to have you as a friend Momo," Mina said. "You guys can also use my dad's credit card," Todoroki said, holding said card up. "SHOTO!" Endeavor yelled angrily before a pillow hit him in the face. Toga giggled as Dabi lowered his hand. "Let's just continue reacting." He says, pointing at the screen which had switched back.

"Oh, no it's not that. Just... crowd. Large crowd. This is why I ain't in the hero business." Cassidy said, fixing her glasses. This made Uraraka gently take her hand. "It'll be okay. The only thing that could ruin this is a villain attack." She says and Cassidy chuckles. 'I wonder, did Uraraka just unknowingly jinx this trip?' She thinks as she and the girls make their way inside. "Guess I did given that a villain did end up attacking," Uraraka said slightly blushing. Mina reassured her that it was fine.

The screen cuts to black before it comes back on to show Cassidy looking at a bunch of writing utensils and journals. "Oh yeah, Cassidy isn't all that into shopping for clothes or makeup. She also isn't into fashion trends all that much." Mina said and Mt. Lady blinked. "I mean, I get it, it's not for every girl, but still..." She mutters. It was odd.

"Are you like Midoriya?" Tsu asked, as she seemingly appeared out of nowhere making Cassidy jump and almost smack her in the face with a journal she was looking at. "Gack! What the heck! Also, please don't do that again, I almost smacked you with this. And no, I am not like Midoriya. I'm a writer. I have published five books. I wanna write a sixth one." Cassidy explains and Tsu tilts her head. "She's a writer? Oh~ I wanna read her books." Toga said. "Her books are under the name Venus and they are in the library. Don't worry, there are multiple copies." Unvick said and a few people cheered.

"How come I've never heard of you before?" Tsu asked, which made everyone look back at the screen. "I don't use my real name. I use an analysis. Mainly because my mother would flip her shit if she knew I wrote those books. I don't only see ghosts. I see ghosts, spirits, reapers, angels, demons and so much more. And yes, there is a difference between a ghost and a spirit. A ghost is a soul of the dead. Spirits can be such things too, but the ones that I am talking about are connected to the elements, emotions, and sind. There is a little spirit of mischief over there. It's not harmful in any way." Cassidy explains which makes Tsu nod. She was also looking over at a small little creature that was floating. "Awwww, it's so adorable," Mina said. "Not all of them are that adorable. I had a look at the encyclopedia that she was writing and the rage of spirits is incredible." Dabi said and it felt odd to be so chilled with the enemy.

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