Part 1 - How it all began

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The ancient art of sorcery has long been revered in the supernatural community, elevating those born with magical abilities to extraordinary beings. However, ordinary people held varying perceptions of these individuals and their powers, often fearing their presence. In an effort to prevent any potential threat, they sought to eliminate these magical beings before they could become stronger. Numerous sorcerers were executed as a result.

Amidst this turmoil, a wise man endowed with exceptional powers and the ability to foresee the future emerged as a leader. With his small army, he valiantly fought against those who sought to destroy them, ultimately claiming the throne for himself. His rule was characterized by strict discipline and swift punishment for anyone who caused harm to others, regardless of their normal or abnormal status.

His relentless dedication to maintaining peace within the realm earned him great renown. This enchanting kingdom would come to be known as Moonlight throughout the ages.

The king was plagued by visions of the future every night, causing him great distress. He grappled with the question of who would be the rightful ruler of Moonlight and possessed the necessary abilities among his children. Unfortunately, there were no clear solutions to these difficult questions. None of his children seemed suitable for ruling the entire realm.

Despite this heartbreaking dilemma, the king's love for his children prevailed. In an act of sacrifice, he made the incredibly difficult decision to divide his beloved kingdom into five smaller realms. Each child was entrusted with their own realm, each possessing their own unique perspectives on life and wielding different magical abilities.

As a result, five distinct realms emerged: The Dark Kingdom of Ravens, where darkness reigned supreme; the Kingdom of Many Moons, known for its mysterious lunar influence; the Bright Kingdom of Astra, emanating light and beauty; the Misty Kingdom of Shadows, enveloped in an ethereal haze; and finally, the Kingdom of Timekeepers, whose inhabitants could manipulate time itself.

This unprecedented division marked a new chapter in Moonlight's history. It allowed each child to exercise their individual strengths and ideologies within their respective realms. While it was not an easy decision for the king to make, he believed that it was ultimately for the best.

On a fateful night following the separation of his kingdom, a tempestuous storm ravaged the land, casting darkness upon the hearts of its people. The village succumbed to a deluge, leaving many innocent souls and creatures submerged in despair. As the sombre lights of the kingdom flickered, an air of trepidation gripped every being within its borders, for their beloved king was nowhere to be found. The valiant guards tirelessly searched every corner, seeking any trace of their beloved ruler. Meanwhile, the compassionate heirs selflessly opened their kingdom's doors to extend aid and solace to all afflicted souls who sought refuge. However, amidst the chaos and destruction left by the storm's wrathful display, there remained an unsettling mystery surrounding their father's mysterious disappearance. The following morning brought forth a glimmering sun and cloudless sky — a deceptive facade concealing the extent of devastation inflicted by nature's fury. The roads lay strewn with lifeless bodies claimed by merciless waters, once-fertile crops lay devastated in ruins, and countless innocent animals perished tragically as collateral damage.

The new rulers were unable to receive any communication from their father. Concerned, they decided to visit him, only to find that the kingdom they once called home now lay in ruins. It was as if nobody had inhabited the area for centuries. Vines and thorns had overtaken the ruins, trees had grown around them, and the grass stood tall against their knees. The entire kingdom was surrounded by towering mountains as if shielding it from the outside world. This sight broke the hearts of the young rulers. They searched tirelessly for any trace of their father, but found no signs of life or even remains. It seemed as though no one had set foot there in years. The young rulers realized that perhaps their father intentionally concealed a deep secret, prompting them to carry on his work and erase all evidence of the kingdom's existence. Now, it remains solely a legend in people's minds. But what was it that their father wanted to hide? This question remained unanswered for its enigmatic answer disappeared along with King Elliot and Moonlight themselves when they vanished mysteriously. Henceforth, King Elliot's children immediately assumed control over their respective domains. Today, the former glory of this realm has become nothing more than a bedtime story.

It has been more than three centuries since that fateful day. The original leaders have passed away, and new ones have ascended to the throne, yet the lost kingdom and its previous ruler remain elusive. Despite extensive searching and exploration, only half of the Old Testament Prophecy has been discovered. Researchers diligently studied this portion and linked it to a prophecy penned by King Elliot himself. The fragment reads as follows:

"None of my offspring possess the qualities necessary to rule Moonlight. Since their birth, my visions have haunted me relentlessly. I have no desire to pass down my kingdom to any of them."

"A future ruler will be born who will ultimately discover the long-lost kingdom and claim its throne as their own. This individual will inherit the same extraordinary abilities as mine; however, they must adhere to certain rules for fear of placing the kingdom in perilous hands. It is imperative that this sorcerous child be obeyed."

The remainder of the page was unfortunately torn away, leaving researchers longing for answers regarding these crucial rules outlined by King Elliot.

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