Chapter 33

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Dedicated to my followers and voters.

Jason POV

I sat at my desk, working on a project when Thalia burst into the room, a look of excitement on her face. "Jason you're never going to believe this!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide. "Dahlia is awake!"

My heart skipped a beat. God knows how long I've waited for this news, to hear she was awake. The moment the doctors pronounced her dead, I died with her. "Really?" I asked, unable to keep the hope out of my voice. "How is she?"

Thalia smiled, "she's alright, Lacy and Matteo are taking care of her."

At the mention of that bastard's name, I felt a twinge of worry and jealousy wash down my gut. I can feel him getting close to her, trying to take her away from me, making her fall for him and I can't let that happen, if not for the current project on ground, I'd have watched over her till she recovered.

"I need to go see her," I said, rising from his chair.

"That's just what we are about to do, I just need to grab some money, wait for me." Sis said and walked out.

When we arrived at the hospital, Thalia suddenly paused.

"Shit, I forgot to buy some things on the way, let me go to the supermarket across, I'll come later," she pat me before leaving. I also realized that I hadn't bought any flowers so I snatched the one in the hospital vase and walked to her room.

When I reached the door, I  hesitated for a moment, before knocking softly. "Come in," I heard a voice say.

I opened the door and stepped into the room, only to meet him standing at her bedside. I narrowed my eyes at the tall, imposing figure and a tense silence filled the room.

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but blurt out rudely.

"Am I not allowed to visit her, Mr Winters?" He said, keeping his tone as even as possible but I could sense a hint of possessiveness in his tone. "I'm just concerned about her."

I scoffed. "I doubt that, Don't try to pretend that you care about her," I said, my anger growing. "If you cared about her, you won't have let her work overtime, leading to her situation." I expected an expression from him but I got a blank and stoic face which disappointed me.

"I think you are mistaken Mr Winters, she didn't work overtime that day," he calmly said, throwing me off guard for a moment.

"Will you guys just stop!" A weak but firm voice yelled making me pause the remaining words that were about to spill.

"You talk as if I am not here, and I didn't work overtime Jason," she said exasperatedly. I felt ashamed and foolish immediately she said those words.

"How do I know you are not just covering up for him? Maybe he threatened you or something," I gestured at him accusingly, just to save face.

"Because she texted me before leaving her workplace, she wasn't working overtime," Thalia's voice came through the door and I turned instantly.

"Jason, I know you are concerned about Lia, but don't go around pointing an accusing finger at people," she said softly and I sighed in defeat, maybe they are right or wrong, who knows.

"Okay, I guess I'm being too overprotective," I said and glared silently at the dude who smirked back in victory. You won this round Silvetti, you can't be sure about the next.


Third person POV

"Now, let's all just take a deep breath and relax," she said. "We're all here for the same reason, to support the Dahlia."

Dahlia gave her friend a weak smile, grateful for her intervention. "Thank you," she said, her voice still weak. "I just want everyone to get along."
Jason cleared his throat and Matteo shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry," Jason said remorseful. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to make sure you're okay."

Matteo nodded, then turned to her. "I'm sorry too," he said.

Dahlia smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you."

"Now that we have cleared the tension....oh my God! Dee how are you feeling?" Thalia squealed so loud that the two men had to cover their ears. "How are you feeling, both physically and mentally?"

Dahlia giggled, "I'm feeling a bit better," she said, her voice still weak but steadier than before. "My head still hurts, and I'm tired, but I feel a bit more like myself." She paused, then added, "mentally, I feel alright."

"Good to know that you are alright, look!" Thalia squealed again and dumped all the goodies in the bag unto Dahlia's body. "I got you your favorites."

"Oh my, that's sweet of you," she smiled widely and hugged her. Jason suddenly realized he had not given her the flowers he took.

"Here, these are for you," he stretched out his hand and handed the flower to her, she collected it.

"Thank you Jason, they smell nicely," she sniffed the flowers and smiled brightly. Matteo grimaced at the flowers.

"I have a surprise for you too Marissa," he said and whistled, just then a group of people trooped into the room holding bouquet and bouquet of flowers, teddy bears and chocolates.

Dahlia's mouth dropped open at the entorange who handed her a "get well soon" card turn by turn and dropped the presents but her bedside and all over the room.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Matteo said and presented his own 'get well soon' card. "Get well soon," he added leaving them gaping at him in awe, especially Dahlia...and of course Thalia too.


I am in a hurry and my phone is almost dead, I might not updated in a few days cause no electricity for now.

Thank you voters and followers.


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