You get home drunk

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"Ohhhh babyyyyy" I slur out as I start undressing at the front door. Once my dress is sitting on my hips I start undoing my bra. 

"Jagi what the hell?" Taehyung says helping me stand as I start falling around.

"Are you not getting hot baby?" I giggle finally letting my tartars free and falling on the couch.

"Why does Sarah allow you to get this drunk" Taehyung pinches the bridge of his nose grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge

"Baby help me get out of this dress. Its tight as fuck" I say trying to get the bunched up dress down my hips.

Taehyung walks over putting the water bottle on the side of the couch to help me out of my tight dress.

Once I'm free and only in my underwear I drink some of the water Taehyung offers me and lay back down.

"Let's get you to bed jagi" he says helping me up

"Nooo I'm not tired" I say walking over to the wall length mirror in the front room to stare at my titties.

"Baby do you think this one is WAYYY bigger than this one? Like to a very noticeable point? Like if you were to look at my titties do you immediately see it?" I ask finally looking at h through the mirror.

"So this is what you think about when you're drunk? Whether your titties are uneven to a noticeable point?" He asks looking at me as if I lost my marbles.

"Baby you're not answering my question" I pout at him

"No baby your titties aren't uneven to a noticeable point." He sighs out

"Anywhoooo" I say making my way to the bedroom as Taehyung follows behind me and gets into bed turning his program back on

I on the other hand enter the bathroom and start washing my face so that I can apply makeup. I know its late but that's not gonna stop me.

As I start applying prime on my face Taehyung calls "Y/n what are you doing?" He stands at the door

"I'm looking pretty for ya baby" I say walking to him leaning in for a kiss

"No. Clean that nasty mouth first" he says turning his head.

I scoff kissing his neck anyway. "Baby you don't seem to care whether this mouth is nasty or not when I'm sucking your cock." I say moving my hand down south.

He abruptly pulls away and gets back in bed. "Wash your face and come to bed please"

"Party pooper" I pout rinsing my face once again and getting into bed.

"No PJs?" He asks

"No PJs" I reply laying my head on his chest yawning.


Not really happy with this but anywhooo

Lemme know what y'all wanna see next.

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