Sex by the fire

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Very important announcement at the end of the chapter about the next update. Please read:))

~Taehyung POV~

Today is my wife's birthday and everything that could go wrong went wrong. I thought it would be cute to have my two daughters help me make breakfast in bed. We had a bit of trouble in the kitchen but thankfully made Y/N's breakfast and made it out in one piece. I am no cook and neither is any of my two daughters but we did what we could and I'd like to think that it came out good. 

Once we made it, we woke her up with a birthday song and the breakfast and that's where everything went up in flames. Mila wanted to feed her mother every bite, which one would think is cute when in reality she was feeding her mother one bite for every five bites she took. Ara on the other had wanted some of the juice and being the great mother she is she gave Ara some juice however Ara wanted to handle the glass all on her own. She would cry every time one of us would try to assist and that ended up in our baby and covers soaked in orange juice. 

Moving on...we decided to spend the rest of the day at my moms. We planned on having a little barbeque and inviting some friends over. My parents got a new dog so obviously my kids decided to bully the living shit out of it. So instead of enjoying the barbeque Y/N was running around after her two daughters trying so stop them from physically hurting the poor dog. I'd say the only time she actually got to enjoy her party was when the girls went down for their nap time. We were finally able to celebrate her and spend quality time with our loved ones. The girls woke up and were grumpy. They wanted to cling to their mother for the rest of the evening. The time to open gifts rolled around and I was excited for her to open my gift. She's been on and on about this necklace she saw and refused my offer to get it for her and claimed that she was saving up for it herself. Me being the super dad/best husband ever got it for her anyway. Mila however didn't like the fact that mommy was receiving presents and she wasn't. Being the little drama queen she is she threw a tantrum. This ended up in Y/N allowing Mila to wear the necklace  for the rest of the night. As is got darker I decided it was time to head home. My parents offered to look after the kids for the night and this led me to carrying a protesting Y/N to the car. 

"Babe we can't leave them here. Did you see what those two rascals tried doing to snowy?" She protested as I buckled her up in the car 

"Babe I don't think it's that bad, plus all they wanted to do was bathe him"  I argue 

"Yeah in boiling hot water!" she exaggerates folding her arms as she pouts. "plus how am I suppose to sleep knowing my girls aren't under the same roof as me?" She mutters under her breath and I finally realize why she was so against the idea. Resting my hand on her thigh I assure her that we'll come and get them first thing in the morning. 

"Babe it's just for the night. Sure its going to feel strange since it's our first time being away from them but hey can we take this time to just be with each other?"

Instead of words she replies with a simple nod. We drive home jamming to our favorite songs and before we know it we're back at the house.

"Shit I forgot to change the sheets" I say remembering the orange juice incident. I quickly run to the bedroom as Y/N  settles down on the couch resting her eyes. As I remove the dirty sheets from the bed I notice the huge orange stain on the bed. "Oh c'mon" I sigh making my way back to the living room.

"Babe bad news, the juice soaked right through the sheets." She opens one eye to peek at me before groaning. "so what now?" she asks closing her eye once more. 

"um..." I look around before my eyes land on the fireplace. "How about we sleep in front of the fire place tonight?" I ask. She looks at me as if contemplating whether its a good idea or not. "Like its really soaked?" 

Looking forward to sleeping in front of the fireplace tonight I vigorously nod my head, obviously overexaggerating to get her to agree. 

"Yeah babe the juice had completely soaked the sheets and mattress" I say already getting some blankets and pillows out of the mini closet in the living room. "Plus its really cold, don't you think sleeping near the fire would keep us extra warm?" I see the way the gears shift in her head before she shrugs and essentially agrees to my idea. 

As she sits on the couch reading her book I start building our little nest, gathering all of the comforters we own as well as pillows. I even earned myself a glare from the birthday girl when I slowly slid the couch pillow from underneath her. However once everything was prepared we both took a quick shower together before tucking ourselves in, in our newly built bed in front of the fireplace. 

"You wanna watch something?" she asks turning on the TV.

"Does it matter? You've already turned the TV on" I say sarcastically already knowing that House Of Dragons is going to be playing all night. 

"No need for all the sass I was simply asking" she rolls her eyes even though her full attention is on the contents on the screen. I tried for 20 minutes to watch the show with her but eventually gave up as it didn't peek my interest. I turn on my side starring at my wife's side profile for a moment before dipping my head into her neck and placing light feather kisses there. 

She sighs softly, still focusing on the TV. I kiss her neck for another couple minutes before slowly shifting my body onto hers. she stares at me annoyed since I blocked the TV with my huge form. "Taehyung that is so fucking rude" she says trying to move her head to the side for a better view. 

"Babe I'm trying to get busy and all you can think about is the stupid show" I respond blocking her view one more. She breaths in deeply and before she can respond I dip my head into her neck once more this time sliding my hand up and down her side until she gives me more access to her neck and I swipe my hand across the bottom of her boob before swiping my thumb gently over her already hardened nipple. She sighs as I pull away from her neck and smirk down at her. 

"Still wanna watch TV?" I tease and in response her scoffs to the question. I kiss down her collarbone before reaching the top of her night vest. I pull the spaghetti straps down her arms one by one before pulling her top off completely.  Once its off, my mouth finds it's way to her nipple and I suck gently while my thumb stimulates the other. 

"Oh Tae" she sighs, hands finding my hair as she tugs on it. As my mouth works skillfully on her nipple, I moving my hands down her sides until I find the hem of her shorts slowly taking it off. I lift myself up so that I can fully remove her shorts and she sits up tugging my shorts. Soon enough I lay her back down as we both are finally bare. Spreading her legs wide enough to accommodate myself in between them I finally connect our lips in a passionate kiss and  groan as she softly moans in my mouth. 

Pressing my hardness into her core she pulls away from the kiss panting heavily. "Tae stop teasing" she says looking into my eyes and I smile in response. Neither of us wanting to prolong it any further so I align myself with her entrance before rubbing my cock up and down between her wet folds. Before she can protest once more, I finally enter her and immediately she clenches around me. 

"Loosen up babe" I groan and after a minute she does and I'm finally able to fully enter her. Moaning loudly she grips onto my shoulders and I finally start moving. I close my eyes as I allow the feeling of her tight, warm walls take over me. 

"God you feel amazing" I whisper picking up pace as she chants my name like a mantra. I open my eyes looking down at her form. Eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. Soon I find myself ramming into her as our skin slaps. I look down to see myself disappearing into her wetness before retrieving with her juices all over me. This view only heightens my excitement and I feel myself getting closer to a release. Slowly I reach down and rub her clit to match my pace and soon enough she's clenching around me as she reaches her climax. I bury my face into her neck and after a couple more thrusts I release inside of her. "Fuck baby" I pant into her neck and she runs her hands through my messy hair. 

I lift my head up to look at her smiling self before kissing her once more. Not long after I feel myself getting hard once more and this time I flip her over and lift her hips. Slowly rubbing my dick along her folds that is now covered in both of our release I slowly push in once more and start rocking my hips into her. Her moans only grow as I continue to thrust into her at a steady pace. This angle not only helps me go deeper but also give me a clear view of how I ram into her. I slowly start picking up my pace until I have her screaming my name as I fuck her from behind. 

"Fuck princess" I pant as I watch myself enter her at a fast pace. "Gonna cum soon" I moan and I hear her whine in response. After a couple more minutes we reach our climax once more and slowly I pull out and watch my seed drip from her pussy before gathering it on my fingers and stuffing them into her mouth. She eagerly sucks on my fingers before releasing it with a pop. 

"No dirty talk tonight?" She asks amused and I smile over at her before shaking my head. Honestly I was too lost in the pleasure to even think about uttering a word. I pull her closer as we fall asleep to her show and the sound of the fireplace in the background. 



Also I feel like I have to remind you guys that I write as the idea pops up in my head. So excuse me if it takes two weeks before I come up with a new idea. Hence I ask you guys for a specific imagine you guys would wanna read. It would really help with more frequent updates. 

Also as I said in the previous chapter, I will be uploading by the amount of votes on each chapter so 50 VOTES FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!

Hopefully that will be soon, please don't be shy to tell me what you'd like to see next. See you guys in the next update<33

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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