Dreaming of Will

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Hi everyone this is my new story I decided to start working on. My last roc story wasn't going so well so I thought I could come back with something better. I have developed this crush for Willgotthejuice and I knew I had to make a story about it. Yes I know it's another brother story only because I don't like the Roc one because I don't really like Roc anymore. So I hope you enjoy this story way better than the other one and please like comment and follow me and see what I got 😃.

Malik's POV
I wake up from my dream about my crush. I think you already know his name by now. The one and only Will. Man I love him but I need to turn it down I can't keep waking up every morning with the bed wet. I start to dose back off into sleep when suddenly I feel water being poured on me. "WAKE UP LIKY!" My little brother Chris says laughing (I'm about to kill him). I hop out of bed chasing him until suddenly I hit my foot on the rails of the steps. "Ouch!" I say in pain only to be tumbling down the steps. Once I hit that bottom step I lift up a little bit rubbing my head. Everyone is laughing at me Chris,Mom, and even Will. I feel embarrassed. "Chris! That's not funny apologize to your brother right now!!." My mom says. I sit there with my arms folded over my chest waiting for my apology. "I'm sorry." He says all innocent but I can see right through that. "Good now go upstairs and get ready for school." She says. "Yes mom." Chris says sadly walking up the steps with my mother right behind him. I turn to see Will staring at me. "Are you okay.?" He says worried like with a hint of laughter. "Whatever I hate you." I say jokingly then walk past him to get the breakfast my mother made. "Awh don't be mad Mal mal I'm just joking next time be careful ok?" He says. I love it when he is always worried about me. "Ok dad." I say and he gets mad and I laugh he hates when I call him that. Maybe if he quit acting like one then I won't. "Hurry up so we can go to school." Will says. I nod and finish my breakfast getting ready for school.

I swear to god if I hear "I don't give a fuck about you" one more time I'm going to explode. Chris in the back jamming while kicking my seat and I hear Will humming along looking so sexy behind the wheel. Man the things I would do to him. I was interrupted from the thoughts when Chris kicked the back of my seat really hard. "Look stop kicking my fucking seat for I smack the shit out you." I say getting annoyed. "Oooo Will, Malik keeps cursing at me!" He says. "Nobody likes a snitch." I say and smack the back of his head." "Alright now yall cut it out!" Will says. Oh I love it when he's so demanding. Omg get a grip Malik he's your brother nothing more. We drop Chris off at school then we head to ours. I'm in the 10th grade and Will is in the 12th. I know what yall thinking, when I'm in 11th he will be a grown ass man in college which is not legal for him to date me blah blah blah. I really don't care, it's only two years.

We pull up to school looking fresh as ever. Everybody stares as usual, the hoes, the jocks, the nerds, the weirdos, and all the rest. Where me and Will fit in as populars. "Alright little bro I'll catch you later, do all your work and don't be with no thots." He said. "I should be telling you that." I mumble. "What you say." He says all serious. "I said take your ass to class for you be late." "Don't get smart." He says smiling showing his perfect teeth. "What ever bye." I say walking away. I mean damn he acts like he my father. I mean I understand our father walked out on us but that don't mean he has to play the role. I walked down the hall to first period to meet my friends Nick and Mickey. Well Mickeys real name is Michelle. Nick is the pretty boy. Everybody wants him including Mickey, and he is a cool person to be around. Mickey is cute funny and always knows what to say. They both are my best friends and they know my secret. "Hi my liky lik." Mickey says. "Hi my Mickey Mouse." I say we always joke around. "Ehem." I hear Nick say behind me. "Hey Nick." Me and Mick both say. "Sup yall." He says as we head into class which was science. "Alright class take your seats." Mrs.Scarlato says. We take our seats right next to each other. "As you know I'm pregnant and don't feel like doing much today so yall just have a free period." She says basically out of breath. "Yes thanks to Mr.Scarlato for waxing that ass every night we can all just chill." Mick says as me and Nick laugh. "Ok so what I want to know is what's going on between you and Will?" Mick ask me. "Ugh not again!" Nick says in frustration. "Yes again and if you don't like it why don't you hit the road jack." She says. "No, well face it Mal you not going to have him I mean come on he's your brother why would he want you?" Nick says making me a little upset. "Shut up you fool you just mad cause no one wants your ugly ass." Mick says. "But whole time you do." He says making her silent. She ignores him and continue talking. "Look the point is you need to let him know how you feel, trust me things will get better for good or bad at least you got it off your chest. You can't keep walking around bottling stuff up inside you have to let it out." She says. I see her point. "I can keep stuff in so word don't get out. Why would I tell my brother such a thing. He would kill me let along not ever speak to me again." "I think it's just a faze. Just move on from him and you find a fine honey in this school." Nick says as he sees one the schools thots Tiffany in our class walk by. "Hey Nick." She says all flirting like. "Hey Tif." "You still meeting me later on right?" She asks Nick. "Hell yeah." He said. "Alright I'll call you." She says blowing him a kiss." "Alright bye." Ouch i say to myself I turn to look at Mickey and she looks like she will explode any minute but I gave her the look to be cool. Other than that the rest of the day was pretty dull.

I waited outside for Will to unlock the door. He came out with some bitch on his shoulder who he was talking to. I got mad so I went over there and played it cool. "Excuse me but when can we leave I'm ready to go home." I say with a attitude looking at her than back at him. "Chill I'll be there in a minute go wait in the car." Who the hell does he think I am one of his side bitches? Well I'll show him what I side bitch can do. I went to the car got in the passengers side and started to beep the horn yelling come on let's go or I'm ready or ditch the bitch. He got furious and told her he will holla at her later. He was walking back to the car furious. He got into the car looking at me in a way that was very mad. "Why the hell would you do that?!" He says. "Remember what we said, no thots you broke your own rule." I say pointing my finger at him. "Well I can do that you can't. And she's not a thot I think I'm serious about this one." He says kind of in a daze. I feel my heart start to beat a little faster and me sweating and shaking. What's wrong with me? "She can't be the one she can't! That's suppose to be me not her." I say in a mumble. "What?" Will asks confused. "I said you can't make her the one." "And why not someone else want me?" Yeah me I think to myself. "At the end of day thanks for your concern little bro, but I got this. She's a good girl and we been dating for a week now. I think you gonna have to just deal with it ok?" I should have known. It was the same girl that was always hanging around Will's group oh she will be gone quick fast and hurry don't worry. He always does this and then he'll ditch her no worries. We arrive home and I get out the car walking to the door unlocking it and going in. As I go up the stairs I hear a voice behind me. "Wait Mal you never answered my question." He says. I don't feel like responding to it right now I'm pretty tired. I turn around with the tired face and hit something smooth to say. Instead I laugh and say "Bye Will." Going up the steps leaving him there mad.

I don't understand his problem. I mean why does he care so much about a chick on my arm. I like her a lot and I do care for his opinion but it's just he's always negative. It's alright I Will down to the bottom of this I'm Willgotthejuice dammit! Oh yeah all that rudeness he's doing, that's gotta stop and quick before I hurt him. I go upstairs lay in my bed and doze off. Only to Have lotion smacked on my face bye the one and only Chris. Damn I can never get no sleep. I get up and chase him as he laughs. Damn my brothers my brothers.

How was that for the first chapter? I thought it was good to me and plus I fell asleep last night while I was making it. I really like Malik in this book. Comment what you think about him. I'm going to try to get more of Will and Chris's personality since you already got a feel for how Malik is. Well thank you everyone for reading the first part of this story and I hope you like it and enjoy because there will be many to come.

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