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I'm back I came up with and idea for this next chapter so I hope you like it please comment.

It's been 3 days since I seen Will and that bitch who I found out her name is Zoe hanging around each other. It's starting to get on my nerves! We are in school in the hallway and I see them making out and him grabbing her butt. I get so furious that I walk away only to bump into this cute girl who dropped her books. "Oh I'm so sorry." She says nervous like. "No it's my fault i should have payed attention to where I was going." I say. I bent down to help her pick up her books and couldn't help but to stare at her, she was so pretty. She was light skin with brown hair that touches just above her waist. And her honey brown eyes that I couldn't help but stare in when she was in the light. Her plum pink lips opening up to show her perfect smile. I hand her the book as she nervously took it. "Thank you but I have to go wouldn't want to be late for class." She speeds walk off. "Wait!" I yell and she turns around, "What's your name?" I ask politely. She gives me this smile that made my heart melt. "My name is Maya." She says. "Now I got to go but meet me in the front of the school if you want to talk more." She says as she walks off. I'm still standing there in a daze. "Malik! Malik!" I hear someone say. "Come on where gonna be late for class what's wrong with you?" Michelle says. "Oh nothing just can't wait till schools over." I say still smiling in a daze. "Well it's not over yet so come on we have chorus." She says dragging me along.

I sit in chorus next to Mickey listening to Mr.Thomas horrible piano playing. "Well at least he has the voice to make up for his awful playing." Mickey says taking the words right out of my mouth. "Excuse me Ms.Ryder what did you say I couldn't quite hear what you said." He was talking to Michelle. "I said play on playa you really no how to hit those keys for a death person to hear." She mumbles only loud enough for me to hear. I laugh my ass off that was funny. "Ok Mr.Fryson and Ms.Ryder please leave the class room and come back when you have a better attitude." Mr.Thomas said. We walked out the classroom still giggling. "Omg look what you did Mick why would you do that?" I say out of breath still laughing. "No it's your fault you the one who was laughing." She said chuckling. "Ok but in all serious what happen earlier? You were just sitting in the hallway in a daze." She says curiously. "Well you can't tell nobody." I say. "I won't now spill it." "Ok... Well... You see I kinda..." I say dragging off. "What! Kinda what?" She says anxiously. "Like someone of the opposite gender." I say with my eyes shut not wanting to see her reaction. When I open my eyes I see a happily Michelle jumping all over the hallways. "Wooo hooooo finally found someone new leave Will in the past." She says happily. "Well I never said I still didn't like him I just added someone else to my crush list." Her mood kind of changed. "Oh...well what's her name?" "Her name is Maya." "Oh she sounds pretty." "She told me to meet her after school today." I say feeling cool. "Omg there's only one thing left to do." Mick says. "And what would that be?" "Run and tell Nick!" She says running and laughing down the hallway. "No don't disturb him!" I say running after her this girl is a mess what would I do without her.

I was in the hallway waiting for Zoe to get out of class so I could drive her home. "Hey baby." She says greeting me with a kiss. "Hey bae." "Well I'm ready." She says. "Alright let's go then." I say picking her up and carrying her on my back. "Hahaha you a mess boy." She says. I don't know I think I'm really serious about her. I hope everything works out. As we walk to the car I unlock the door and open the door for her. "Such a gentlemen." She says. "I know right?" I say as I get in the car and we both laugh. "Ugh I really like you Will I mean your not like other boys in this school your more of a man then a boy." Zoe says. "Well your not like other girls here either I mean your more cool then them." I say as we both lean in and give a passionate long kiss. When I break away I see Malik outside the door with some girl. Who is she? Why he didn't tell me he had a girl? I'm mad but not to mad. "Babe you ok?" I hear Zoe ask. "Oh yeah I'm cool I'm just waiting for my bro to hurry up." I say pointing to Malik. "Oh awh look at them their cute." She says. "Yeah cute my ass." I mumble, he better hurry up.

I stand outside with Maya and we just talked for a couple minutes. Man I feel like I could tell her anything. She's so down to earth unlike these other hoes out here. I hear Will beep the horn telling me to come on. I roll my eyes and say ok I'm coming. "Well I guess I have to leave now. Can I have your number?" I ask. "Of course give me your hand." I give her my hand and she writes her number on it and kisses my cheek. "Bye Malik." She says all flirting like. "B-b-bye Maya." I say in a daze only to have to horn beep at me again. "Ok I'm coming shit hold the fuck up." I say getting pissed. I see miss thing in the passenger side so I hop in the back. "When I tell you to come on you come on you got me?" He says angry. "You not my dad I don't have to listen to you!" I yell at him. "Don't you raise your voice at me and talk to me like that! And remember the agreement? No thots!" He says angrily. "Well it seems like you already broke that rule." I say looking at Zoe. "Excuse me? Little boy please you don't want to go here I will beat your ass better then your momma ever could." She says. Omg this bitch bout to catch the best ass whooping of her life. "Ok bitch then let's go then." We kept going back and forth saying "ok." Or "just wait till this car stop." "THATS IT BOTH OF YALL SHUT UP!!!" Will said angrily. The whole car ride was silent. Even when we went to drop off Zoe. I stayed in the back. When we got home I got out slammed the door and walked to the porch to unlock the front door. "Hold up Malik what is your problem?" "Nothing just leave me alone." I say all tired like. "No I won't until you tell me why did you talk to Zoe like that?" "Because she was getting on my nerves there now I'm going to my room." I say walking up the stairs but he pulled me back to him. "Don't touch me." I say angrily. "Listen you not gonna keep disrespecting me like that." "Oh my gosh stop acting like my father!!! You could never take that spot. You are my brother that's it!!! Act like him not like my dad. Shit now leave me the hell alone!" I say marching up the stairs. I wish he realize where I'm coming from.

Who the fuck is he talking to? I only act like that because our father walked out on us when Chris was born and me and Malik never seen him since. Now that I give him what he's missing out on he wants to yell at me like he's crazy oh hell no! "You come back here we aren't done talking." I'll show him whose boss.

What will happen next? Did you like that chapter? I thought it was good. Now who do you think is wrong Malik or Will? I mean yeah Malik is rude but I can understand where he is coming from. What do y'all think? Leave comments and stay tuned for part 3.

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