Chapter 4

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Mr. Nigel looked at her then. " Are you threatening me, Doctor Wilson?" Her smile never faltered." I do not make ideal threats, Mr. Nigel, I make promises. And I promise you the parents will find out what caused their children's.. illness as you so eloquently put it" he seemed conflicted by her statement, on one hand he knew if he refuses and calls her bluff, he would be gambling with his company and his lifestyle, he would lose the only thing left from the money his family had stolen. He would be reduced to living like a scavenger, like Vincent and Matthew in a four bedroom house and drive a lincoln, he cringed at the thought, while on the other hand, if he let the doctor continue working on this and he wakes up, he would have a lot of shit to explain and then cover up, " Doctor Wilson, how can a dead man be the cure?" he chose to see how much she knew, given the fact that she had only spent three nights examining him “come and take a look at this, Mr. Nigel” she turned away walking the table with the dna analyzer “take a look of sample A” she said, he looked “ sample A is the sample that use had me use genome testing on” “yes so whats..” she interrupted him  then she said “take a look at sample B” after a minute he said “what am I looking for”, she rolled her eyes “I extracted that from the corpse”, “and what's your point?” he asked, clearly annoyed “ The point is I shouldn’t be able to extract blood from a dead man!” He knew then that she knew too much, they had to take care of her and soon, stepping away from the analyzer  he asked “who else knows that you got a blood sample from the corpse?” Being a smart woman, Doctor Wilson said “ the staff and my assistant that were on duty last night. They were there when I was examining him and I saw a vein. When we extracted the blood, let’s just say we damn near ran for our lives” The truth is when she had decided to test, she had not expected blood to come through the needle. The reason she decided to test was because he looked as if he had just died a few days ago now, she was shocked when she saw him at midnight and when she was able get a sample of blood from him she almost dropped the needle, swore like a sailor and tripped on her shoes running to the exit. She wondered how in her haste the others had managed to sleep through it, but she had eventually  calmed herself down as curiosity won her over about the body that lay in the tomb. Mr. Nigel sighed "okay Doctor Wilson but from now on ensure only the three of you work on this, no one else is to know the discoveries that you have made until you speak with me first" with that said he left the room. When she noticed the coast was clear, she said, "You really need to stop hiding in here. You are playing a dangerous game that only Mr. Nigel and his friends know the rules to" I came out from under the table saying "where's the fun in that. Anyway, I dreamt about him last night, and he said I had to wake him up now, " she sighed."And how the hell are you going to do that?"I shrugged."I have no clue. " She sighed then asked me to assist her in opening the tomb, we were shocked because he seemed as if he was sleeping unlike yesterday so I glanced over at her "did you do anything to him besides extracting the blood from him?" She was knitting her brows and just staring at him." You know, to make him look less, " I stopped talking "dead" she finished for me." No, I didn't. Today, he looks like he just died, rigourmorist hasn't set in yet,doesn't he?" "Yes" I had to agree with her on that, " you need to get back to your station and finish your work, later tonight I'll let you and Shaun in from the back door" I agreed and with one last look at the man that haunts my dreams I walked away from the tomb. As I walked into my work area, the first person I saw was Shaun. He said immediately “ Where were you?” while he handed me a fruit dish, “you already know where” I replied rolling my eyes with a smile, smacking his lips he asked “did you figure out how to wake him up yet?”, “That's what I’m trying to figure out,” I said, releasing a frustrated sigh.  “Well maybe this can help. I’ve been researching him, it seems he was married once, and every century one of his generation make it big but then get this, they get murdered”: I was annoyed at the mention that he was married but the rest had piqued my interest. I suddenly remembered something,my eyes popped out wide, “what's the matter?” he asked “Mr. Nigel said the same thing to him earlier, only he said that it was the general that wakes up every century”. Shaun’s eyes got big as saucers, " That's impossible!” Just then, someone said from behind “What’s impossible, Shaun?” we turned to see Timothy and Lesley walking in with Genesis, “oh. We have a paper due in twenty-four hours and it's the first time I might actually flunk because I thought it was due next Friday not this one” he sat down hard on his chair and it creaked under his weight. Timothy was laughing when he saw the dismay look on Shaun’s face, Genesis hit him in the stomach telling him to stop, and Lesley just rolled her eyes and moved to her station saying “that's what you get for procrastinating” I looked over at Shaun thinking ‘ damn he should go into acting because even I bought that bullshit he just spewed. Pulling out his laptop and said “I wonder if Mr. Nigel could give me a couple hours just to finish it”, “no he can’t” Lesley said, but Genesis said “I’m sure he can ''. The look that Lesley gave her told her ‘bitch how dare you undermine my authority’ “he won’t. Shaun can find a way during breaks to do his paper. I heard Mr. Nigel say to dad that he wants to display the new artifacts in two weeks. " "Lele, we’re almost done cleaning the artifacts, I’m positive, Mr. Nigel won’t mind”, “with this set of artefacts, but the shipping that came in with the tomb hasn't started yet. These national treasures take a lot of time to restore as you can see, so I doubt that he will say yes' ' Lesley and Genesis both seem to be holding on to their point which had me curious about their friendship. Genesis was about to respond  when Shaun interjected “it’s okay Genesis, I can do it on my lunch break” he smiled at her and her cheeks got as red as cherry tomatoes, Shaun’s cheeks tainted too, yup they definitely like each other I thought, I hope she knows that we are only friends. I’ll tell her when we get a chance to be alone sometime today so she can make her move on him because Shaun was super shy, so he won’t.  We began working after the awkward silence. Timothy attempted to make light conversation, but my mind wouldn’t let me put any effort into taking part in the conversation. All I could think about was that dream. The general seemed to be invading my every thought, and as for my lady bits, she seemed to want him between my thighs for some reason. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this way about anyone, not since my senior year of high school and an asshole named Josh was my boyfriend. Every time we shared a kiss or just held hands, I felt a flutter in my stomach. I even planned the moment we’d have sex, the day we’d get married, and how many children we’d have. I was so in love, that was until the day that I turned up at his house and saw the cheerleading captain riding him, and ever since then I devoted myself to my studies, that was three years ago. I had to find out more about the man in the tomb, I thought, so I had to get them talking.  Saying  to the room at large “ Hey. Has Mr. Nigel talked to any of you about the man in the tomb?” The room immediately went silent before Lesley asked “how do you know it's a man that’s in the tomb?”, “well because the newspapers ruled out it being a student, plus they also stated that it was a male, so..” I let my sentence die there, but she gave me a fake smile as she replied “well no he hasn’t mentioned anything because the man in the tomb is not apart of our assignment, restoring the artifacts are” I concluded then that they definitely knew more about the man in the tomb so I said “you’re right. Forget what I asked”. At mid-day I approached Genesis that was standing in the lunchline “ Hey”, “So I noticed you have a thing for Shaun” I jabbed, she was about to interject but I held my hand up “I just wanted you to know that he is single but shy and he also has a thing for you too”. She blushed at my statement “thanks Ash, I owe you one” she was beet red when she said that and I just winked at her, we talked about random things while heading to the lunch table. Shaun handed me his phone, showing me his research on the general. Throughout lunch, I learnt about his life in the army that they could piece together, that is, his brief marriage, his betrayal of the crown, and his death. There were also sketches of him throughout history, and with this, I concluded that they all looked like the man in the tomb, but at the end of lunch, I was left with more questions than answers. I noted that Shaun and Genesis seemed to be hitting it off. We  began heading back to our area when Timothy came up to me “You seemed very distracted at lunch today” I smiled “I also have a feeling that you had a hand in playing matchmaker” and he nodded in Shaun’s and Genesis direction and at this I laughed, then replied “You seem very observant Tim, so I know you know that I did indeed shoot cupid’s arrow their way” laughing he said “ you’re funny Ash” while placing his hand on my shoulder, just then we heard a piercing scream coming from down the hall. We ran to the direction of the commotion and saw Doctor Wilson’s assistant running towards us, Shaun grabbed her by the shoulders but she had a look of terror written all over her face as she tried to pull away Genesis  asked “ what happened?” “the .. the.. It.. he..” she murmured out while trying to have Shaun release her from his grasp, “what happened?” Shaun repeated “the tomb!”. We stood there confused “what about it” Lesley asked in a bored tone, “I.. it… just.. turned.. And, and , he” just as she was trying to explain Dr. Wilson and Mr. Nigel walked over upon seeing the commotion” What happened?”, “that’s what we are trying to find out,” I said. Mr. Nigel  dismissed us telling us they now had it under control and we should get back to our stations, and from the look on his face it said we had better not question him, so begrudgingly we began to move away but not before we heard her say ‘he turned the tomb over’. The remainder of the day was uneventful, so I told them I was going to take a catnap. I was lying on a bed, the tent ceiling flapping gently with the breeze. Glancing down, I was garbed in a white silk robe atop the bedsheets. He entered through the tent flap doors, only in his britches, his black hair slicked back in a ponytail, I watched as he made his way towards me “don't be afraid little one” his voice smooth like velvet sending a shiver down my spine. I sat still thinking I could listen to him talk forever, “and you will little one” he chuckled then said “all you have to do is wake me up before the next full moon”, “change my fate” he whispered, finding my voice I asked “change your fate? How?” but he began to fade away “How do I wake you up?!”

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