Chapter 3

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(three days later)

I lay cuddle between my sheets, tossing and turning due to the images of him that had plagued my mind ever since I saw those images. His eyes dark brown,they almost seemed to hold a mysterious nature, secrets even. His firm broad chest, rippled in muscle tone that seemed to expand with each thrust, I ached between my thighs just thinking about him, it seemed as if he stood at six foot four inches and I still felt the electricity of his touch. My hand began lightly trailing up and down my chest, I shuddered as I got lower between my thighs, I began circling my clitoris with my index finger which brought a trimmer through me as the vision he showed me kept playing in my mind, I pressed down harder sending pleasure through my body. With each thrust he made into me I countered with my fingers, I was so wrapped up in the sensation and vivid image of his captivating eyes that I came wildly, my hips bucking off the bed, legs twitching and my heels buried into the mattress. Never in my twenty three years of life had I done that, much less thought of a man pounding into me, I was breathing heavily as that thought ran through my head, my limbs felt weak with the intensity of that orgasm that I just rolled over, closed my eyes and dreamt of dark brown mysterious eyes.
I awoke with a start, sweat dripping off my body, my tank top sticking to my skin. That dream felt so real. He said  I needed to wake him up? In the dream told me that I needed to, that those men only want money and power, I thought,'which men?' sighing, I got out of bed knowing I won't be able to go back to sleep, I wish in my dream he told me how to wake him up. After doing my morning routine, I got dressed and headed to the museum, leaving a note to Shaun, letting him know. I arrived early and began working with thoughts of how to assess this new bit of information, I was so wrapped up in what I was doing that I hadn't noticed that I was being watched until the door opened revealing Mr. Nigel.
He stepped in, holding his briefcase. "Good morning, Mr. Nigel, "Good morning, Ashley. You know you did not have to come in so early" I looked at my watch to see that it was just seven thirty I smiled "I know sir but I missed a day due to illness and I wanted to make up the time so I chose to come in early as I have yet to do the overtime we discussed" the truth is since I've been working at night with doctor wilson and that magical corpse, that's what we've decided to call it since with each passing day he looks more alive than dead I've been having the same dream and it has finally gotten to me, I blushed remembering my impromptu masturbation session, I cleared my throat" I want you to know that I'm dedicated to this job. Even if it's only temporary, " he smiled at me then."I love that about you, Ashley. You remind me of my younger self, self motivated, eager to become successful" he chuckled to himself " you keep at it", "thank you sir and I will try", I thought he would have just left but he shocked me when he put his briefcase down, took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and began on the restoration of another artifact.
We continued our conversation talking about his youth and my major and when we were laughing at something he said I noticed a weird tattoo on his arm, I don't know why I wanted to know about it but I said "I don't want to pry but isn't that a tattoo of  the star of david on your arm" he looked at his arm then and chuckled. For a moment, I thought he wasn't going to respond because I may have offended him, so I was about to apologize when he started talking. " Centuries ago, my family was cursed by a general. You see, my ancestor O'ryan Nigel participated in something he should not have for spoils or what we now call money, riches, wealth. He got it, too. " he waved his hand as if brushing off his thoughts then continue, " but the price our lineage had to pay was far greater. Now, we need to find a way to end this curse that has plagued our families. " I thought about the information he had just divulged but then something occurred to me " It must be really hard paying the price for something you guys had no control over" he nodded then looked at me quizzically " sir you said we so I just assumed" I let my sentence die there, Mr. Nigel, on the other hand, seemed shocked that he had divulged so much to me. He immediately put the solution and cleansing cloth down, gathered his jacket and briefcase, saying, " Yes well, you seem to have everything handled, so if you'll excuse me, I have some paperwork to attend to. And Ashley, " he paused." Thank you for being a woman of your word. " I nodded, and with that, he left the room. I got up, deciding to follow him because something told me he was going to the tomb and I was right. I watched as he punched in the code for the door, which I tried to memorize. He glanced behind him before he entered the room. As quickly as I could, I ran towards the door before it could close behind him. I crept inside, praying he would not turn around and that no one would walk in at this precise moment, I watched as he walked up to the tomb, running his hand over the insignia, then he spoke "General Salazar, I know you can hear me. I know this because throughout the centuries, the families kept journals about you, and they even predicted the centuries you would wake up in." This had me sick to my stomach but he continued " I wonder general, if each century you awaken just so you could make a fortune, our ancestors steal it and then murder you, does that not piss you off to no avail" he was walking around the tomb, smiling sinisterly " it would surely piss me off, but what has me piqued is that you know the outcome, so why allow us to do it? Why do you allow us to hunt you down, steal your money, and then kill you? What could you possibly gain from this? " I covered my mouth to stifle the sound that threatened to escape my throat as tears rolled down my cheek, just then the sound of the code being punched in the door was heard and when the door opened Doctor Wilson walked in. She was startled seeing Mr. Nigel but quickly recovered. "Mr. Nigel, what brings you here so early?"He cleared his throat." Well, I was just wondering if you have identified whether or not this is General Salazar?" She placed her briefcase down and saw me under the table. She cleared her throat." Well, the DNA sample that you gave me matches. However, it also says that the general died a thousand centuries ago" he walked up to her then " you were paid to ensure that we had the right person, now that you have Doctor Wilson your services are no longer required" he said walking towards the door,smiling she said " oh but there is something else Mr. Nigel, " she said, stopping him in his tracks."Oh. And what is that doctor?", " the students that had gotten bitten by the bug have made a turn for the worst, but it would seem that the man in the tomb who you refer to as General Salazar may be the cure", "and why would I care about that?" He asked annoyed, she squared her shoulders then "because Mr. Nigel, if the parents find out the real cause of their children's illness, they will sue you and your family for everything you're worth."

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