Chapter 8

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(June 11)

I sat there letting his revelation sink in ' holy fucking shit! Did he just say demon king? What the fuck did we get ourselves into? And what the fuck does that mean to Mr. Nigel and the others?' Question after question kept going through my head and he just sat there smirking at me, " at least you didn't run off yet"  just then I realized I never thought of running, so I said it to him " that thought hadn't occurred to me, running that is", " I know" he simply said, getting up from the bench he said " we should get back to the house" I stood up " did you ever find out what the second part his mission for you that is, was?", "yes" we began walking and when he didn't elaborate I asked " so what was it?", " the priest translated the text as it being that I had to find my soulmate in order to continue living, rather than dying" at this I became genuinely confused " why would the devil do that? Giving you a second chance at living I mean? Isn't he evil?" Laughing he said " yes he is, he lives to torture and torment weak souls both living and died. But he believes in love now since he was granted his soul mate by his father as a show of good faith to let earth remain balanced" I was still confused but at least I know that he loves his father God enough to remain true to his word. I stopped when something he said crossed my mind " wait, so if you died at twenty-three and you awaken every century then that makes you..", I stopped mid-sentence  because he said " twenty-three. I always die before my birthday. "We began walking again and something else crossed my mind." You said finding your soulmate continues your life, so you won't die? What does that mean?", " finding my soulmate, allows me to live beyond twenty-three, and if the translation is correct I will spend eternity with them". We entered the house once we got to the door and my mind kept replaying our conversation, ' does he know who his soulmate is?', " yes I know who she is" I stood looking at him, that's some weird ass shit! It's like he knows what is running through my mind. Smirking he said " only my soulmate can wake me up before the time I usually awaken, which happens to be the very first day I died. I would also be able to communicate with her through dreams and hear what she is thinking even if she does not speak it aloud" I allowed what he divulged to sink in then gasped." That's an invasion of privacy to be able to hear someone else's thoughts. I hope when you find her you don't..." I trailed off as what he said finally resonated with me " wait.. did you just say.." I stared in disbelief at him ' did he just say only his soulmate  can wake him up before his destined time?.. okay Ashley don't freaked out, breath, that's it, breath' I was coaching myself to slow down the acceleration of my heartbeat but I couldn't. My chest began constricting my breathing and it felt like I was about to have a full on panic attack ' okay wait.. he said that only his soulmate could wake him ahead of time and I did.. no! You don't even know the day that he died so it could be that he was already awakening' when I looked back into his eyes I saw mischief twinkling in them, telling me that the next statement he was about to make would rock me to my core " Ashley, I died on June 20th, two weeks before my birthday . Today's June the eleventh" and I was right. The next thing I saw was dark spots blurring my vision, my ears ringing with a flatline machine, my body swayed and the last thing I heard was " I got you little one" before darkness consumed me. I turned feeling cozy, smiling and I hugged my pillow to my chest' that was a weird dream to have' but then when I opened my eyes reality sunk in, it wasn't a dream, Cashim did wake up yesterday nine days before he was supposed to, no wonder  the doctor said it was scientifically impossible. Sitting up in bed, I observed that the fish netting was closed around the bed and I also noticed that the fireplace was lit. I could hear rain falling against the window sill, 'is that rain? It's the summer, it never rains?' the door to the bathroom revealing Cahim with a towel wrapped around his waist "you are awake little one" he stated while walking over to the bed, opening the netting and tying it to the bedpost.  'How the hell does he look so fit for someone who just woke up? His skin looks radiant even?' Sitting on the bed, he sighed " you ponder things so openly in your mind, you seem confident even but you get nervous when I tell you to ask me aloud" he was quizzically gazing at me as if I was a mystery. "I can not be offended by your inquisitive nature, if I had seen a dead man awaken I would have probably ran in the other direction. So please stop wondering and ask me anything you'd like. Besides you did point out to me that it was an invasion of privacy to read one's thoughts" he sat there staring at me, and his eyes told me that if I were to ask him anything he would be honest and truthful. I could not think straight but the only thing that popped into my mind at that moment I decided to ask "can I tell anyone about this? My friends I mean?" it came out as a whisper but he heard " you cannot tell them about me being the king of demons, well unless they want to sell their souls" his eyes seemed to come alive when he said this, they shone a bright red around his irises, shrinking further against the pillows I asked "so what can I tell them?", I was watching him carefully "tell them its a curse that has plagued me throughout the centuries, others will stop at nothing to break this curse or satisfy it at least" he simply said.  Nodding my head "that's the same thing Mr. Nigel said, well kind of", getting up he was putting on his black sweats "I did curse their families for all eternity when they killed me" my brows furrowed "is the curse even real?" I was curious to know "yes it is... and there is no escaping it as it was part of the deal lucifer made with his father. If they left me alone God's decides their fate, but if they continued to hunt and kill me then their fate was set, but you did change my fate a little, little one", "how did I do that?", "I'd usually die before my birthday, sleep for a century then do it all over again, but now they won't be able to kill me anymore", "why", "because you summoned the demon king to the surface" he leaned into me when he said that, my eyes bugged out at this. I knew I changed his fate but I didn't know the consequences of doing that, I kept opening and closing my mouth but no words came out "so you are no longer able to die?" he nodded no " I have always been immortal and will remain as that but I will age" that's the scariest shit I've ever heard in my twenty-three years of life, and since Cashim has been awake I've heard a lot of scary shit. "I can get hurt like humans do little one, the only difference is that I'll heal faster". "Okay that makes sense" came out my mouth even though none of this did make sense to me, smiling down at me "I need to remain underground until the twentieth when I will be at full health, so for now only you and your friends are the only ones that will know where I am. The people here today are demons from hell and the most trusted so you do not have to worry little one" 'holy shit!' I got up just wanting to forget today and all that I've learnt for a while so I asked "Cashim, can I go for a swim?", "Of course little one" walking over to the dresser, he took out a swimsuit for me to change into. I noticed then that I was only wearing the t-shirt and underwear, and a blush crept on my cheeks, he smirked knowing what I was thinking, taking the bathing suit I went into the bathroom to change. I exited the room once changed and went downstairs, he handed me a towel and he led the way to the pool area. The deck had lounge chairs with umbrellas lined along the pathway around the rectangular shaped pool. Placing the towel and my phone down, I walked to the shallow end, going down the steps, I dipped my feet in,goosebumps raised on my skin causing an involuntary shiver to go through me. The water was cold, my guess was because it had rained earlier but the water appeared to be so inviting, taking a deep breath I descended into the water and dipped my body in for my body to adjust to the water's temperature, realizing  that I would be fine, he left me to my own devices. My phone began ringing after I had done a few laps, lifting my body to the side I got out. Wiping my hand in the towel, I answered "hello", "Ashley it's Doctor Wilson'', "oh hi", "How is the patient doing" looking over towards the house Ireplied "he's fine. Resting ""okay that's good. I need you to ask him how to get the students better. We're close to finding a cure but something's missing and I think he might know. Oh this number is untraceable thanks to a friend of mine, so you can call me if you need anything or to talk about Patient X's health", "patient X?", "that's what I've decided to call him", "that makes sense", "I heard that this week is your final week as well", at this I was confused so I said "No, its the nineteenth and then other students will get a chance to come in and continue from where we left off", "well something must have happened because they came and said the museum is closing this weekend until further notice. Even my team was told we needed to gather our stuff and begin clearing out" she whispered that and I assumed that she was still at the office and someone had just walked in "I'm taking the samples belonging to patient x as I suspect they're planning something and I don't want them having anything belonging to him" my back was to the house, so I hadn't noticed that he was walking towards me "what do you think they're planning", "I don't know Ashley but they seemed pissed about something so watch you back and stay safe" ,"you too Doc" my pulse elevated and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I was about to hang up when I asked "Doc. I know Genesis is not there right now but are Tim and Lesley there?", "yeah, How'd you know?" I was biting my lip, 'I wonder if they are the children that were mentioned' I began thinking " It was just a guess. Call it curiosity" laughing she said "don't you know the saying that curiosity kills the cat. I think I know why you asked, and I just so you know I'm  started liking you.  Be careful", "I've always had a curious nature and I'm not dead yet so I guess that the saying is just a myth" she laughed "bye Ash", "wait" I said as something else came to me "yes", "how'd the cameras only pick up you, the guards and your staff?" she chuckled as if I asked something funny. " it pays to know the right people, Ashley. Now I really have to go. Bye. " With that, she hung up, I stood there contemplating what she had said when I heard,"she is right, you know. You really are a curious little thing. " I jumped at the sound of his voice."Could you make a sound when you walk. God, you scared me!" chuckling he said "you'll get used to it. Come now little one, lunch is ready" taking up the towel, he wrapped it around my body and I couldn't help the blush that crept on my face, he always seemed to have me blushing like a school girl ever since the moment he had risen. the moment we walked into the house and sat around the dining room table, he has been watching  every move I made and by midway through the meal I was annoyed. I thought it but never uttered why he was watching me, and once I finished, I excused myself and went upstairs to shower and change. The rest of the day, I decided to research Mr. Nigel and Mr. Caris, that research proved fruitful because I found out the name of the third man I had heard in the room, Matthew Bygrave. I found out that their families go back all the way to the eighteenth century, their ancestors have always been friends throughout time, their were two other families that were mentioned but it said that for some reason they no longer communicated with each other. Another link said that the Nigel's, Caris's, and Bygrave's had stolen from the other families, and that's the reason they no longer dealt with each other. As much as I hated the invasion of anyone's privacy, especially the rich, I loved it at this moment because I learnt so much about each family. Shaun had messaged saying that he would be leaving in half an hour so I decided to let Cashim know and as I was about to get up a thought occurred to me ' I wonder if I called him in my mind if he would come? After all, he did say he knew what I was thinking. Should I even try to test if it's the truth?' I was deep in concentration and biting my lips when he entered the room. Climbing on the bed, he made his way towards me. Once he was face to face with me, he tugged my bottom lip from between my teeth ''one. I do hear everything you think about as long as I'm focussed on you and two I would never lie to you as you are the other half of me and there is no point in lying" he said lowering his face closer to mine, I flushed at the thought of the position that we were in, my panties got wet the more I thought about the warmth of his leg between mine. His eyes travelled from my face down the length of my body, all the way to the junction that his leg was between my legs. He closed his eyes and bit into his lips. When his face snapped up towards mine and he opened his eyes, they were dilated, shining black, and I was awestruck at the changes in his eyes. My breathing became shallow with the intensity of his stare, my throat got dry, my chest began heaving because I was attempting to even out my breathing. I began rethinking putting on a dress when his hand started gliding up the hem of the dress, resting his hand on my thigh he began tracing light circles on my thigh, causing gooseflesh to erupt on my skin, my heart was racing as he moved his hand further up my dress. His fingertips gently graze over my vaginal lips through my lace underwear causing a grasp to escape my lips, he caused my vagina to saturate with its juices, I had thought that his eyes couldn't get any darker but I was wrong. Using his knee, he parted my legs wider. He pressed his thumb into the seat of my panties, ripping the material away from my entrance. I gasped, my mind registered what was about to happen, and panic began setting in, and as if sensing this, he pressed his lips against mine. My eyes fluttered close at the steer intensity as he deepened the kiss. Our lips  moulded together in sync, pulling away only to get air into our lungs. He began kissing on my neck, no doubt leaving marks while his hand was gladded through my now drenched slit. When it seemed that I had gotten enough air, his lips crushed down on mine, not realizing his body was now positioned atop mine. My hands were running through his hair that I never felt when he removed his hand from my thigh, I was enjoying the way he kissed me. It was just the right amount of tongue, lip tugging, I moaned when he slipped his tongue into my mouth. My dress got bunched around my waist when he deepened the kiss for the third time. He lowered his hips to mine, positioning himself, as he stroked his tip along my slit and and that's when I felt it. A slight pressure between my walls of vagina, my eyes flew open, welling up tears. I tried to pull away, but he gripped my waist to stop me from moving. He lifted his lips from mine, brushing his cheek along mine, and he whispered, "I know this will hurt little one. I'm sorry" as I was about to ask what he meant, he pulled his hips from mine, easing the pressure from my walls  before he pushed in deeper this time tearing through my hymen, I screamed but he pressed his lips to mine, all I felt was pain radiating so I tried pushing him off me but he just held me close not moving. My body felt strange having something inside of me, but it also felt like it was meant to be there. He kissed me and whispered he was sorry and asked if he could move. The pain had shifted to a dull ache, so I told him yes, and then he pulled out slightly and then pushed back in. With each withdrawal and thrust, he told me that I was making him feel so good, I was enjoying this newfound pleasure mixed with pain, moaning and moving my hips to meet his. I felt a pressure building one that I familiar with when my walls began tightening, he must have felt it too because he was thrusting into me harder wanted the sensual feeling to surface and when it finally did I screamed his name while gripping his shoulders, I swore I woke the dead, he brought me to the edge of oblivion and he fell with me groaning, locking our fingers together he came deep inside of me.

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