Somethings... a little off

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It was rather busy for Silver for the past few days, as everything began to blend. He had homework and study sessions with Amy back-to-back, thanks to the teacher dropping off a last-minute project for the students to do. Luckily, she was also his partner for the project and is in his other two classes with him. Then, at work, he was put on the closing shift. Which usually isn't a problem for him, as he loved to work where he worked, but the person he was put with wasn't exactly fun to work with either. They would leave Silver to do all the work, leaving him to come home drained. He even fell asleep on a call with his boyfriend, which was something he never did.

Though Silver did blame a little of himself for it, he wasn't exactly the person to say no. Maybe if he had only said no, he could have avoided these intense few days. Maybe he would have been more relaxed, and maybe he wouldn't have worried Sonic like he did last night when they were on a video call, and he collapsed on the floor. He heated his dinner while he was serving his drink. These few days did wonders for Silver's mental state, as he hardly had a chance to sit down and take a breather. He was doing nothing but overworking himself, going into the night just doing his work and only being able to sleep when he passed out. Which leaked everywhere in his life, and thanks to the lack of sleep, he also had to deal with a bad headache almost every day now. He hasn't been himself because of it, and Sonic even noticed it.

Which is why he found himself heading towards Sonic's place, out of Sonic's nagging and command. Knowing how much Silver has overworked himself for the past few days, Sonic has insisted that Silver take a day off to relax. Since Sonic also knows Silver and knows that if Silver had stayed in the apartment he lived in, he would just go back to work, to prevent that from happening, Sonic suggested that he go to the only place where he wasn't able to do anything but relax—Sonic's place. It's only been the fifth time that Silver has been to Sonic's new place since he moved away from Silver at the end of high school. He was both excited and worried. Despite being on phone calls with Sonic's roommate Knuckles and hanging out with him, Knuckles and he don't exactly know a lot of each other. They were close enough to be considered friends, but not close enough that they were actual friends. And when Sonic isn't around, it becomes very awkward between the two very quickly. He was worried that was going to be the case, but he also knew Sonic was being his best friend and trying to help him, so he was more than grateful for Sonic trying to do this for him.

Silver sighed as he looked out the window from his seat. He had to wake up extremely early today if he wanted to be on time when Sonic settled in for them to meet up. He didn't get much sleep either, as he was worried about the train. He didn't know if the train he had caught worked so early. It only surprised him when he saw that it was working when he got there. Silver was more than tired at this point but refused to fall asleep. Worried that he might miss his stop, luckily the train served coffee. Silver wasn't as much of a coffee guy as his boyfriend was, but he only drank it when he needed it. He was on his third cup of coffee already.

He watched the environment as the window passed by, taking in the beautiful scenery of the city. Sonic lived in a small, quiet city that was surrounded by drop-dead beautiful scenery, which only made the city and nature blend perfectly. It was one of the best-known tourist spots, and Silver knew why. He remembered how amazed he was when he first got there. He was overwhelmed by the beauty of the city alone. But the environment wasn't a hassle like it was in the city Silver lived in. It was more mellowed out, and the view he got from Sonic's guest room was just stunning. He could see why Sonic picked the town he lived in, and if he didn't have a life in the city, Silver would have moved in with him. Especially during the summertime, when Silver could just get out of the train station and take a nice carriage ride to Sonic's place. It was the perfect place for a free spirit like Sonic.

Silver's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the speaker go off, causing his ear to flicker. Silver looked up and carefully listened in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving shortly at Maplewood Springs. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you as you disembark. Thank you for traveling with us, and we hope you enjoy your stay in Maplewood Springs."

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