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A stab is heard, and then all falls silent.

"But I'm not evil," the murderer hums to the corpse, "Just determined. It only took a second to take your life. That just shows how weak you are."

He slides out the body, looking upon it with psychopathic intentions. The murderer gazes towards the right of the dimly lit room, seeing a dirty green backpack, blood stains covering the bottom.

He walks over to it, each footstep echoing in the radiating silence. He gently bends down and pulls on the zipper, opening up the bag.

He reaches in and draws out a silver serrated blade.

"Time to clean up."


"Stan! You're totally cheating, asshole!"

Stan holds up the controller, a smug look on his face. "You're just jealous, Kyle."

"No I'm not, I don't get jealous."

"Uhm," Stan glances down at Kyle, "You seem to be proving me otherwise, dude."

The two break into a fit of laughter, barely knowing why. Kyle loves when things are like this; just him and Stan against the world.

"Stan! Kyle! Dinner's ready!"

Kyle hears Sharon yell and immediately gets a head start, barreling towards the door and practically tumbling downstairs.

"Woah, woah!" Sharon looks at him wide-eyed as Stan follows up from behind, "Easy there, Kyle. There's plenty of food for everyone."

Kyle nods, smiling stupidly. He gets like this whenever he's at Stan's house. Whenever he's eating dinner with Stan's family. Whenever he's with Stan.

The two boys walk towards the kitchen, following Sharon, but Stan stops mid-way.

Kyle turns to see Stan staring at the TV, his eyes flooding with the added stress.

"Sadly, another local high schooler has gone missing from South Park. Her name is Nelly Figg, and she was last seen leaving school on Tuesday night. Police are still looking for a suspect- sadly without any leads. The mother of one of these missing girls, Mrs. Testaburger, has created a community dedicated to find their children. Off to you, Tom."

Stan turns back towards Kyle. "Aren't you a little concerned about these cases? I mean, what if this kidnapper decides to take us...?"

Kyle stares at him. "Stan, it's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Stan looks at the ground for a moment before meeting Kyle's gaze again and nodding his head.

They walk into the kitchen and sit at the table directly next to each other.

Sharon is over by the sink, pretty preoccupied cleaning a plate. But, she takes a quick glance at the two boys before returning to her task.

"Eat up quick, or it'll get cold," She says.

Kyle nods and looks down at the chicken pasta she made. He picks up the fork that's placed next to the... knife.

Stan's busy shoving pasta in his mouth, mumbling in approval to his mother.

Not. Now.

Kyle swallows, his mouth suddenly feeling empty. He stabs his fork into the pasta and brings it up to his mouth, parting his lips and biting.

He chews it for a while, slowly coming back.

By the time he's finished with a quarter of his plate, Stan's already finished.

"Thanks mom," he says. "Kyle, I'll be in the living room. Meet me when you're done."

Kyle's hand starts to shake as Stan walks farther and farther away. He picks up his fork and shoves the rest of the noodles in his mouth, quickly thanking Sharon and coming up behind the couch, patting Stan's head as his eyes remain glued on the TV.

"The town remains in utter chaos. We can only wonder one thing: Who would do something like this?"

Kyle diverts Stan's attention away from the screen by putting his hands on his shoulders.

Stan looks up to see Kyle smiling.

"It's fine, Stan," Kyle says. "Trust the police, and trust me."

Stan looks undecided for a second, but he eventually nods and gets up, following Kyle upstairs and back to his bedroom.

Stan closes the door behind them and jumps on his bed, lying face down. He mumbles something that Kyle can't make out.

Kyle goes over to him and rubs circles on his back, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Stan," he begins, "I know you're worried, but you need to trust me. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Stan picks up his head slightly to stare Kyle in the eyes.

"I just-" Stan pauses. "This whole situation has got me thinking about my life, and how it'll end. And like- now I'm just like, 'fuck it, you only live once.'"

Kyle listens. He listens to everything that comes out of Stan's mouth. He dreams about what he could put in Stan's mouth.

"So maybe," Stan continues, "Maybe I should just spill my guts- tell people what I've been dying to tell them for a while before I lose the chance forever."

Kyle wants to say that Stan will live as long as he does, but he stays quiet.

Stan takes a deep breath. "Well, here it goes," he says. "Kyle, I'm bisexual."



"And- I know that you might think differently of me- or maybe you won't want to have sleepovers anymore, which I understand. I just, I really wanted to get that off my chest, and I'm ready for-"

Kyle pulls Stan into a tight hug, burying his face into Stan's collarbone.

"Woah- Kyle. I- I thought you wouldn't wanna be my friend anymore, uh, after that," Stan says.

Kyle only squeezes harder.

He's one step closer.

Stan chuckles, his voice breaking a little. Kyle's heart breaks a little, too. He hates that Stan has to feel like Kyle will leave him. Kyle will never leave him.

Stan pulls away, his eyes watering. "Jesus, I uh, I didn't expect that to go so well. Do you wanna- like. Okay this'll sound a little weird. Actually wait- never mind. I mean-"

Kyle looks him dead in the eye. "Whatever you want, whatever you need, Stan, I can help you, somehow."

Stan swallows. "Uh, do you wanna like- sleep.. with me? Not like that, of course. Just like- next? Oh god- never mind this is stupid, I'm sorry I just-"

"Yes, of course I'll sleep next to you," Kyle says, "You're fine. It's okay."

Stan grabs Kyle's shirt and stuffs his face directly in his chest.

Kyle wraps his arms around him.

Kyle tilts them both down, the two already wearing somewhat comfortable clothing. Kyle glances over at the bathroom, suddenly aware that neither of them brushed their teeth. But, to Kyle, he would give anything for Stan. Kyle would never brush his teeth again for Stan. Kyle would suffer through torture for Stan. Kyle would give his life for Stan's.

So he remains next to Stan, wrapping his arms around him until he drifts off to sleep.


KYLE, you're doing well. Stan's already fallen. But you'll have to do better to prove yourself of his love.

You deserve a six, KYLE.

A six is not a ten.

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