The girl time forgot |5|

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I was just sitting on my bed, scrolling through my phone waiting for magic to be done with her shower so I could maybe— hopefully, get some answers. I'd love to learn more about her, it all I can think about. What type of food she likes, whats her favorite color, what thoughts keep her awake at night. You know, just the usual questions you ask when trying to learn about someone. Damn mating bond. What I really need to know is what caused her to become a rouge and why has she been wandering my territory for the past few weeks.

The air slowly started to become tense, Something isn't right. I can feel it. I was hit with this overwhelming sense of dread.
Suddenly I hear a light thud come from the bathroom. I quickly make my way to the door, "Magic? You okay in there?" I call out.
"Magic?" I call out again this time knocking a little aggressively on the door. Im struck with this feeling of fear and it's making me worry. What if something happened and she slipped and fell? Shes never seen a shower before how would she know that they can be slippery little death traps.
"I'm ok-okay, the f-fl-floor is just slippery." She stutters; her voice shaky. I'm unsure if she's really telling the truth.

'Something is wrong.' My wolf senses tell me.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I ask.
I press my ear up against the door, I can hear her breathing rather quickly. It slowly starts to get quiet.
"Magic?" I start to pound on the door.
Still no answer.
"Thats it! I'm sorry but I'm coming in!" I yell slamming open the door.

She's leaning against the cabinet, her eyes closed and holding herself. "Magic!" I quickly rushed over, grabbing her shoulders and lightly shaking her. "Magic wake up!" I grab her wrist snd start to check for a pulse. Her heart was beating fast, but it was still beating which was good.
"Shit!" I yell to myself as I quickly picked her up brought her to the bed, gently laying her down, she was still wrapped in the towel and her hair was damp.

As I was setting her down I noticed the obscene about of small scares all over her arms. My eyebrows furrowed, what happened for her to get all these scars?
'Who hurt her!' My wolf growls.
What is going on with her? This girl is definitely a mystery. She's full of secrets and its hard for me to completely trust her. This mating bond makes me want to protect her at all costs but I need to remember that she is a rouge, they aren't always the most trust worthy...
Hell she's always trying to run off when ever she gets a chance, its hurts.
I know I should understand that she's coming into a new environment and it can be scary, her eyes always hold so much fear in them. I just want to wrap my arms around her and let her know that shes safe and protect her.

'Luke, get over to my room now!' I call to him from our mind link. I want to get any information I can about her. I want to trust her and to be with her, for goodness sake it's taken me years to find her. But I will do everything in my power to make sure my pack is safe.

'I'm on my way.' Luke responded, Luke has been my best friend for years, since we were in diapers. Our fathers were close so we grew up around each other, naturally we became friends. He's always had my back and I've had his. But just because he's my friend doesn't mean he automatically got his Beta status, He's earned it! He's very smart and logical when it comes to these types of situations. Hell, he was basically the one that orchestrated our peace treaty with our neighboring pack, The Red Howlers. Thats besides the point though, Luke has always been there for me; when my father died or when my mother decided to spontaneously leave. He's always been my right hand man, I trust him completely.

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