The girl time forgot |7|

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I took a handful of water and splashed it into my face, trying to wake myself up. It had been a couple of days since Ive met Parker and he's asked me to stay here.

I grabbed one of the towels that were sitting on the bathroom counter, patting my face dry. I let out a sigh as I pulled the towel away from my face. Looking into the mirror; a small part of me scared that I would see that one lady again.
I kept replaying that moment in my mind.
I had no idea who she was but she left such an impact on me. But even though its the only thing Ive been thinking about, the image is still blurry. Like the memory is trying to fade away.

Examining myself in the mirror, Looking at the dark circles under my eyes. I glance down to my arms, tugging at my shirt sleeve, pulling it down to hide the random scars that run along my arm. Parker had brought them up asking what they were.
I honestly have no idea.
Every time I try to remember how I got them nothing comes to mind. The Image of the IV bag filled with a dark fluid flashes across my mind. In return I'm met confusion and a sad feeling?
I'm not sure.
None of this makes sense.

I set the towel down and step over to the door, re-entering to parkers room.
He was sitting on the sofa, playing on his phone.
"How did you sleep?" He kindly asked, setting his phone down.
"Alright, I guess."

Truth is I haven't been sleeping well. Every time I fall asleep I'm met with that same taunting voice and that familiar door. It gives me this uneasy feeling every time I hear her; letting me know that their still here, waiting...
Just thinking about it gives me chills.

"How did you sleep?" I asked repeating his question.
Parker gave me a sad look, "It was good."
I began to walk over to the other side of the room.

"I'm bored." I whined, flopping onto the bed.
Ive been stuck in his room on bed rest thanks to Parkers doctor friend, Hank. He told him that I need to eat and drink more, that I'm unhealthy and severely underweight. That I should be put on a well balanced diet.
I don't even know this guy and he's judging me, just because I don't eat as much as one "should" doesn't mean I'm sick or anything.
I think its stupid but Parker seems really worried about it, so for his sake I've been good.

"You're bored?" He questioned.
"Ive been looking at these wall to long." I replied rolling over to my back, staring at the ceiling.

In actuality I really wanted to go for a run. It had been ages since I've let my wolf out and I'm getting to be kinda antsy.
But I know that Parker won't like the idea, I can't say I blame him. I have tried to run away the last couple of times.

"I guess we could go downstairs, I could show you around?" Parker stood up and looked down at me, Obstructing my view. I quickly sat up somewhat excited to finally being able to get out of this room.
"Yes. We should."

"Are you positive that you won't try to run away again?" Parker asked, concerned that I would make another run for it after I tried to the last couple times I left his room...

I had my reasons okay.

I gave him a side-eye, "I promise, I won't leave." Yet.

"Good." He gave me a quick smile as we made our way out of his room— finally— and down the hallway towards the stairs.

"Well, this is our main hall. Most of the bedrooms are up on this level." He gestured around, moving his hand in a circle motion.

I took a moment to look around, it extended down both directions. There were three doors staggering each other; mirroring the other side where Parkers room was. The stairs were right in the middle of the hall. One side led up to another level, the other went down to the main floor.
It was a pretty big hallway.
Who am I kidding? This whole house was huge, I can somewhat remember how big it was as I was running around it the other day.

The girl time forgot (REWRITING) Where stories live. Discover now