the mafia's angel | prologue

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I'm very keen to see how you guys feel about this concept

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I'm very keen to see how you guys feel about this concept.

Translations to any Hindi dialogue will be attached in the respective in-line comments for those who may want.


The phone was snatched from Manik's hands. "Nandini Murthy? What the fuck is she doing here?" Alia gasped, waving the device at the group surrounding her.

Manik Malhotra's personal phone went in circles within the unfinished construction building as everyone in the group checked out his potential match on a dating app. Part of his job meant he could not indulge in the simpler joys in life that other common people had the privilege of experiencing. It was dangerous to get close to anyone outside the intimate circle he had grown to trust or his true identity could be exposed.

At the least, that would be a five year prison sentence for anyone in the clan, the stakes only rising with each substance they were confiscated with. The only way to lay low was to keep the circle tight, and protect what was yours—turf or women—with everything you had.

His team was currently stationed in Mangalore, to oversee an important transaction. 500 kilograms of marijuana were being shipped from the port sometime within the next three weeks. The exact dates were yet to be revealed by the big boss, and given the stakes of the mission, there was no room for error, so Manik's team was in charge of protecting the fort.

In the meanwhile, their daily duties resumed as they moved stuff around for some quick cash to spend on cheap thrills, and another mobile remained active for those purposes precisely.

Yet, a part of Manik was tempted by the opportunity of a smaller city in which he could, albeit momentarily, step into the shoes of a mediocre character and experience at least one of those simple thrills in life—that of wooing a woman.

Mukti held a small flip mirror between her fingers, and smudged a layer of thick liner on her waterline. She was handed the phone, and she browsed through the pictures. "How do you know her?" She scrutinised at the boring appearances the girl posted on a dating site.

Nandini Murthy. 23 years old. Psychologist by degree, musician by passion. Loves trying out new food. Class of NMWC '23.

"I forgot she even existed. She was in my year, attached to a weird girl who nobody else talked to by the hip and would judge everyone for their actions, you know... the typical behnji kind?" Alia cringed.

Cabir lit a blunt with Manik's gold encased lighter. For someone like Alia who was the most popular girl in an all womens' college, being in the limelight was no issue. In fact, she craved it even after she dropped out midway through. Her opinions of people were warped to say the least, so Cabir took her thoughts with tablespoons—not just pinches—of salt.

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