Chapter 20

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I know Mondo is not someone to trust

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I know Mondo is not someone to trust. The only reason I'm at this meeting is to gain direct intel on him while he's profiting my business.

My men haven't been able to collect much information on him since he's always disappearing and moving around, so today is the perfect opportunity to do so.

He runs a human trafficking system in multiple different areas. I'll do anything to take this sick fuck down but right now isn't the best time when I'm largely outnumbered. Good thing I planted a tiny camera in the ceiling vent above him so I can figure out his passwords and give them to Elliot. He's good at hacking and all of that kind of stuff.

If only I had listened to my uncle and brought more men. Speaking of, Mondo has more than a dozen behind him. One man in particular wears an earpiece and keeps whispering something in Mondo's ear.

"What's going on?" I question as my hand underneath the table grips onto the handgun in my lap.

Mondo smirks, "Nothing. Just some business I have to take care of later." His thick Spanish accent comes through.

"Well I'm not here to fuck around. Take care of the business we have right now, and worry about your other shit afterwards." I say narrowing my eyes at him. He's out of his damn mind if he thinks he's here to waste my time.

He shoos the man with the ear piece in back of him. "Of course. Let's discuss the cargo shall we?" Mondo smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes.


Finally, the meeting is over and I can go pick up Alana now.

I get in the car and begin driving. An incoming call from a random number appears on the screen of my car. I click the button to answer it.

"Who is this?" I ask suspiciously. "If you wouldn't have blocked my old numbers you would know who this is Jonah." The sound of the suddenly familiar voice gives me a headache.

"Serena. I have no interest in talking to you so-" My finger goes to press hang up but she quickly says, "I'm in your villa here in Portofino. If you don't come and see me now, then I'll find Alana and-"

Oh hell no. "Leave Alana out of this. By the time I get there you better be gone. Or else." I threaten.

Serena snickers on the other end and hangs up.

When I finally pull up to the villa, I walk in and rush to my room. It's a damn mess. Serena is sitting on the bed wearing a skimpy dress and a psychotic grin.

"Get the hell out of here. Now." I demand.

She gets up and grabs onto my tie. "Aww, I just wanted to spend some time with you." She says with a pouty frown.

"How did you get here? How did you know that Alana and I were here?" I throw questions at her. She purses her lips into a thin line. "I don't think that's really necessary to talk about. Did you miss me?" She asks, attempting to flip the script.

"No. I'm actually appalled by you," I say pushing her away. "And if you aren't going to tell me how you found me, then you should get out." My hand reaches for the handle of my gun.

Her eyes show a sliver of fear. She knows I'm not bullshitting. "Jonah, let's just talk for a while hm?" She hums as she grazes my arm seductively.

Enough with this. I grab her arm and bend it behind her. She croaks out a painful grunt as I push her through the house and out of the doors.

My phone is ringing, it's probably Alana. I silence it. I've never done that to any of her calls before but I can't pick up in a time like this. She'd fucking kill me if she knew Serena was here right now.

I shove Serena onto the wall of one of the gates. Her cheek pressed against the cold, rugged stones. "If I ever catch you here again, your blood will be splattered against this same wall. Stop stalking me, and stop following me." I say sternly before letting go of her.

She slowly backed away before sprinting off to who knows where. I went back inside to tidy up the room the best I could before picking up Alana.


I thought everything would be fine. I thought I could just come up with some shitty excuse and make it seem like Serena was never even here, but when Alana lifted the covers and saw the purple thong that Serena must have planted, everything came crashing down.

And what's worse is that right as she found those, Serena made my phone go off again by texting me.

Even as I tried to explain myself, Alana wouldn't hear me out. She couldn't even look at me. I felt so damn ashamed even though I hadn't necessarily done anything wrong.

When she finally did look up at me, I could see her glossy eyes. Tears were ready to pour out any second.

Alana pounded onto my chest repeating the same two words at me, until she finally said, "I hate you." When she said it, it hit me like a sharp blow to the stomach, robbing me of my breath.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her as she sobbed. I'd do anything, say anything, just to make her stop. I just need her to let me explain myself. But before she would even let me, she pulled herself away from me and threw her wedding ring at me. I swiftly caught it but the feeling it left inside of me was crushing and suffocating me alive.

I ran outside to chase after her. "Don't you dare try to follow me. I'll find a hotel and book a flight home. I don't need you." She shouted as she continued walking in the cold rain. I stood there for a few seconds wondering what I should do.

She wouldn't even let me touch her. There was no way I could get her to come back to me. I decided to just give her some space and let her blow off some steam for the rest of the night. The closest hotel is only seven minutes away.


Currently, I'm staring out of a window, pacing back and forth like a lunatic. What the fuck was I thinking just letting her run off like that? It's raining. It could start storming any second. She could have an anxiety attack out there and I won't be there to comfort her.

I check her location on my phone. It says she's  been stuck in the same spot for over five minutes...

Something doesn't feel right. I grab a leather jacket and my keys before getting in the car and driving out to find her.

My phone says I'm right by her location now, but I don't see her anywhere. I step out of my car and stand in the middle of the road, looking around for her.

"Alana!" I call out. Nothing. I keep walking until something cracks beneath my shoe. My stomach drops as I pick up a phone. Alana's phone.

Word count: 1221
Thanks for reading! <3

✰Just a little POV from Jonah. Next chapter will be out soon!

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