"School night."

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You head down to dinner. "It smells delicious mom" you smile. "Thank you baby" your stepmother says. "Another reason I'm glad your back she never cooks anymore she just makes me eat Ramon." He rolls his eyes. "Stop talking shit" she smacks him in his head. You laugh. "So Y/n, any boyfriends?" Your stepmother asks. Your dad looks at you "she better not" he grins at you. "Dad I'm almost 17 I'm in 11th grade I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to date. Loosen up" you say before taking your bite. "Yeah loosen up" your stepmother says. "Yeah it's only the beginning of 11th grade you've still got a long way to go. Jason uh do me a favor and watch her at school will you?" He looks at Jason. "Uh yeah, of course" he says while looking up and seeing everyone staring at him. "This is insane. Dad I don't need a babysitter." You say while sitting your fork down. "Yeah well your brothers gonna watch you. I don't want you to end up like your mother." He says while looking you dead in your eye. You grab your plate and stand up. "I'm eating in my room." You walk away. "How could you say something like that to her" your step mother says. "I just don't want her ending up like her mom. Someone who finds the wrong boy who wants to be a gangster and gets her to try drugs and get knocked up at 17." Your father says "I understand you just want what's best for her sir, but don't you think that was a little.. harsh?" Jason says. "Harsh or not it needed to be said. She should know I didn't mean any disrespect I just want the best for her." Your father says. "But I don't think it sounded that way sir" Jason says, Jason then stands up. "I'm gonna go eat with y/n, we need to catch up before school tomorrow anyways" Jason says as he walks upstairs. He knocks three times. "Just go away!" You yell Jason walks in. "Hey sis.." Jason says as he sits his plate down. "I just don't get it. We haven't even been here a full day and he already finds ways to embarrass me, I would never turn into mom. I wouldn't want my kids to have that lifestyle. I just want to be able to live the rest of my high school years without thinking weather I'd get knocked up or not." You say while wiping your eyes. "I know what he said was wrong but just try pushing it off, that's what I do when things bother me." Jason says "I just hate that he really thinks I'll end up that way." You say while taking another bite of your food. "I know sis, but that's why we have each other I never knew your mom but from how he explained her downstairs a couple minutes ago I know it's not nice growing up that way and I'm 100% sure you wouldn't wanna have that lifestyle, look here I trust you enough to be able to date who you please I won't have to keep a close eye on you but this stays between us two, your almost old enough to make your own decisions." Jason says. "Thank you brother" you say as you smile. "You don't have to thank me but don't make me regret this decision okay?" "I won't." You say as you hug him. "Now I've gotta pick a outfit out for school, shower and head to bed." You say as you jump up. "It's only 8pm?" He says while looking confused. "Yeah picking my outfit out will take a good 20 minutes and then my shower is gonna take the longest , I'll be done with it all around 9:30" you say while opening your closet. "That's still early though? I don't go to sleep til 11 probably 12" Jason says. "I need my beauty sleep, and this is my first day of 11th grade, school started a week ago but this is my first. And it has to be perfect, now out!" You smile as he grabs your plate and stands up to leave your room. "Wait jason?" You say. "Yeah Y/n?" Jason waits at the door. "I love you" you say. "Yeah I love you too sis" he closes the door as he walks out. (You pick your outfit out and shower and your in your room doing your skincare before bed. And jason walks in. "9:30 huh?" He laughs "shut upp it's only 10:20 and I've got to hurry up" you laugh "goodnight sis I love you." Jason says before walking out. "I love you more, goodnight jason. You say as you turn your lights off.

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