Chapter 7 - The Real Deal

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I went back to Mi Rae's house the next morning. Frankly, I was worried about her. She had acted strangely the whole of yesterday. However I did not want to alienate myself form her, so maybe I should apologize. She was probably on edge because of Bora's death.

Mi Rae needed me, I convinced myself.

I stopped at the open gate, unsure if I was welcomed.

"Mi Rae-ah, I'm sorry for yesterday. I didn't mean to push it," I said loudly and waited anxiously.

No response.

My heart dropped. She was ignoring me.

"I'm really sorry."


"I'm here if you want to talk, but no pressure. It's o'kay if you don't."

I waited for a bit feeling more and more like a jerk. Aish, why was I so pushy yesterday?

"Umm, I'm leaving some buns from Sook and some freshly made kimbap from Ajumma. It's got some rabbit meat I caught from the forest ... Eun Ho says its delicious ... " I craned my neck but saw no movement anywhere.

Sighing, I gave up. After all, I was needed somewhere else. I promised to help Ajoessi dig a grave. Poor haraboeji (grandpa) was found dead early this morning in his small hanok which also served as his shop. His scrawny tainted body was slumped over his low wooden work table, half finished straw shoes scattered around him. Twine and straw was strewn all over the place. It was a shock as no one knew he was infected.

"I can't stay long," I said in case she was listening. "I'm helping Ajoessi and the others dig another grave. Min found haraboeji's body in his shop this morning. He is being buried with Bora today."

'I'm going now but I'll come back in the evening."

I lowered my head and turned around. It was a sad day today. We were burying two people from our shrinking community. Our small village was getting smaller and the new graveyard was getting bigger.


Haraboeji was dead?

Mi Rae clapped her hands over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Anniyo! No! This could not be. She did not go anywhere near him recently. He had not been in range for her to infect him. How did he get it?

The orphan girl slumped against the door and slid down to the floor in grief. The gentle old man was one of the few who had nor shun her. He always had a few kind words for her and occasionally gave her sweetmeats. She reminded him of his granddaughter, he said. His son and daughter-in law had moved away leaving him alone in the village taking their daughter with them.

The Spirit! It must know. Did it have anything to do with Haraboeji's death?

Anger flared up and coursed through her. Why did it kill Haraboeji? Without thinking, Mi Rae dashed out into the forest. Things were getting out of hand. She must find it and put a stop to the killings. She must confront the Spirit before it got any worse.

When Mi Rae reached the spot where she had encountered the Spirit the first time, she stopped to search the area. She was sure it was the right place. After taking a few minutes to catch her breath, she called out.

"Spirit! Hey Spirit! Come out! I want to talk to you!" she shouted. "You are not honoring our deal! COME OUT!! Where are you?"

"He, he, heeeee ...."

"I heard you! Come out now! If you don't I'll break our deal!"

Black mist gathered from the surrounding to coalesce into a vague human shape a few meters in front of her. Two faint sparks flared up to form bright red almond shaped eyes. They pulsated eerily within the shifting black mass which made up it's head.

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