The Rules of Engagement

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"Do I really have to decide right away?"

Jessie nodded. Too quickly, perhaps. At first, she thought that she was in over her head, but then again, her desperate monetary situation willed her on. She aggressively handed him the carefully worded lease agreement she so proudly made the night before.

"And you said, you just thought about this?" Brian noted as he quickly perused the pages. "It looks like my name is preprinted on here!"

"What?!!! No, I had the forms ready...uhmm, several days ago. I put in your name just now."

"Just now?" Brian said with a jeer.

"Yes!!!" Jessie looked like she was about to cry.

Busted. Brian knew now how desperate she was. Desperate for what though? Money? Can't be. They're very rich as far he knows them to be. The Trinidads are part the old rich. He always thought that they have enough money that can last several generations. So what it is then? Sex? Intriguing proposition. She was after all, a very pretty girl. However, the almost-panicked look on her face killed every bit of romantic notion there is.

"She is your god-sister for crying out loud!" Brian thought of in his head.

But then again, she was hardly anything but a sister. Brian quickly reassessed her. She was svelte but curvy in the right places. If she gets off her baggy office clothes and into a nice cocktail dress, she would be like a knockout. Her skin was soft and smooth, especially on her neck, which is somewhat a big turn on for him. Her hair was soft and her eyes spoke volumes. IF only those obtrusive glasses would not hide them. Overall, she was very pretty. But with the right get up, she could potentially make any man's arm candy.

"But she's your god sister! " Brian brushed the thought aside and quickly began rationalizing. She is "only" his god-sister. Besides, they're not even related. Clearly now, Brian suddenly realizes the precariousness of the situation. He has the hots for her. Or at least, "potentially" have the hots for her. It's not as if he does not trust her, it was more like he definitely DOES NOT trust himself with her.

"What is it?" Jessie said as she noticed him being extremely quiet. "Have you changed your mind?"

"As I can recall, I haven't said 'YES' yet," Brian quickly countered.

Jessie bit her lip. His wit was too quick for her. She found herself, mumbling again. "I already wanted to...sign and all that."

Brian smiled. "I need time to think about it."

"Well, how much time do you need?"

"There's quite a bit of "things" on this list I still need to think about," Brian said, noticing the voluminous 15-page document.  (Yes, fifteen bloody pages.  Single-spaced, complete with footnotes.)

"Like what 'things?"


"So,  what about them?"

"Too many."

"They're just basic and standard leasing agreement.  Hardly anything surprising about them."

"Well, I don't sign anything until I've completely read them."

"Ohh...well, how much time do you need?"

Brian suddenly felt a head ache coming in. "Well, how much coffee do you have?"


An hour later, they found themselves on the opposite ends of the dining table, sipping their second or third cup of coffee.

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