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Inspired by our fellow D&D Space Cadet: Oli, after their suggestion to create another R4R, including all this talk about it on another server I mod on, lately; it seems popular (totally because it's not making me feel left out), so I decided to fi...

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Inspired by our fellow D&D Space Cadet: Oli, after their suggestion to create another R4R, including all this talk about it on another server I mod on, lately; it seems popular (totally because it's not making me feel left out), so I decided to finally fully check it out & am absolutely loving it so far (-M. I). Therefore, 'Gamut Guilds' had a nice ring to it, dont'cha think? 

▶Guilds will consist of 3 people due to the number of weeks in a month, just to make this fairly easy & simple (however, if the applications begin to overflow, & if there's enough demand for bigger groups, then we will expand to 6)

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▶Guilds will consist of 3 people due to the number of weeks in a month, just to make this fairly easy & simple (however, if the applications begin to overflow, & if there's enough demand for bigger groups, then we will expand to 6). 

▶Random (like author's/vent), & Non-English books won't be accepted. However, if by chance one of our future staff members is bilingual, then we'll accept Non-English novels :)

▶We'll be copying over the rules from our 'main club': The Devout Book Club; Instead of 'the person who gains the most points will have their book featured on the cover', the Guild who gains the most gems with have their covers featured on THIS cover for a month! They will also have their books promoted on our MB, the community's Discord server, AND the founder's personal Instagram! Quadruple the promotion!

▶That being said, rounds will last 1 month. If another Guild claims victory, then they're the ones who will have their books promoted. If the same Guild from the previous win remains in the lead, then they will once again be shouted out. 
(However, there will be weekly updates every rotation.)

▶Each Guild will have their own flag (or banner), which is something you'll need to collectively decide as a group (the name, design, ETC).

▶Which would bring us into pairings: We'll try our best to pair you up with other people who enjoy similar genres in hopes you'll get better get along <3

▶Speaking of pairings, if you'd like to join a different Guild, then you must speak with the members beforehand. If it's fine by them, & if there's an open spot, then you'll be transferred. If you are indeed transferred, then your gems will be carried over as well. However, if the Guild that you transfer to holds the current victory, the gems you've earned will still be transferred... but you will not receive their winnings </3

▶Books? Books! Each Guild member will read at least 1 chapter for that week. Once 7 days have passed, a different book by another Guild member will be chosen... then repeat for the final Guild member during the final week. 

▶You must leave 3 inline comments (the little gray bubbles beside the sentences, if that made sense) & 1 final outline in the outline section (the area under 'Next Part'). Each inline comment will give you 2 gems each. But please, for the love of God, don't leave lazy replies such as "Cool!" or "I like her hairstyle!". Actually leave constructive comments, thanks! If you're seen doing this for whatever reason, then you'll be penalized. Your points will be redacted. 

Each time you finish doing your task for the week, you'll leave a report:

~~~~~(GUILD NAME)~~~~~
>(Username Of The Guild Member Whose Book You're Reading For That Week) / (Book Title)
>(The amount of gems you earned from leaving inline comments; This will be checked by our bookclub manager(s)- if you're caught lying, then you will earn no gems which in turn will affect your entire Guild)
>(Your username followed by how many chapters you read, then the person's username.)

It should end up looking something like this!

~~~~~Polar Pack~~~~~
HipBeeWitch / Fated
Gems: 8
Report: Lunaris_Wizard >Read Chapter 1&2 by HipBeeWitch 

These ranks are mostly just for fun; there will be a list that shows the top individuals- those that are most dedicated

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These ranks are mostly just for fun; there will be a list that shows the top individuals- those that are most dedicated. (We also might have an event in the future that involves the highest-ranking members; leave suggestions in the comments below ~M. I.)

Deviant [100 GEMSTONES]
"Been called a 'Freak'? An 'Abomination'? Own it! Transvalue it! Don't give the bullies what they want. After all, who wants to be a hateful Karen? Rise up my fellow #Outcasts!"

Silvertongue Executioner [200 GEMSTONES]
"Getting rid of lies & deceptions? Destroying blind accusations & allegations from Simps? Commendable! Your mental strength must be off the chart!"

King/Queen [400 GEMSTONES]
"Yas! Slay! Rule your kingdom with pride!"

Dragon Slayer [500 GEMSTONES]
"All dragons & their riders are Evil with a capital E! The strongest Explorers are the ones who slay them both!"

(After Dragon Slayer, if you continue with the club, you'll still earn coins if you wish to proceed.)


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|[Deviant] GUILDS | A D&D Book Club |Where stories live. Discover now