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"Why did you never tell me that you're an Omega?"

"Well, because of this and that reason."

"Hey, don't be like that. My feelings are sensitive, you know?" Wang Jia'er made a pouting face, "And here I thought we were supposed to be good buddies. Has it all been a one-sided sentiment on my part? Man, I'm so sad..."

Zhang Zhehan took a sip of his drink.

Amidst the lively party thrown by the heir of the Wang family, he was well aware that he'd become the center of attention from the moment he stepped into the banquet hall. Nobody — aside from his friend, Wang Jia'er — approached him directly to ask about it, but he knew they were whispering behind him. Nevertheless, unlike in the past, he felt neither restless nor bothered. Instead, seeing Young Master Wang continuously whining and interrogating him like this made the corners of his lips curl up into a tiny smile.

"I wonder..." Zhang Zhehan threw him a mischievous glance, "If I had told you about it, would there not be a chance you would slip up when you were drinking with others and expose my secret to them?"

"Bro, that's harsh. Don't you have any trust in me?"

"Just kidding," the Omega laughed, "My parents were adamant about not wanting to let the public know about their only son and heir being an Omega, so I've been hiding it for as long as I can remember. Even within the Zhang family and our group as a whole, very few people knew about it, so you can say I've just been going along with my parents' wish all this time. Don't worry too much about it."

Fortunately, the word "worry" did not seem to exist in his friend's personal dictionary. Although he'd been pouting just a moment ago, it didn't take long for Wang Jia'er to return to his usual friendly demeanor. Smirking to himself, he nudged Zhang Zhehan with his elbow while peering into his face.

"About that, you said you've been hiding that you're an Omega, but you suddenly went and got yourself a mate. How did it even happen?"

"What do you mean how did it happen?"

"You know what I'm talking about. How did you two meet? Since when did you start dating? When did you decide to form a bond? Who proposed to whom and how did it go?"

"Nosy, aren't you? Why did you have so many questions anyway?"

"Because!" Wang Jia'er hooked an arm around Zhang Zhehan's neck, looking enthusiastic, "I don't dare claim to know everything about you, but I've known you long enough to be fairly familiar with the kinds of people you usually hang around with. Outside your family's group, they are either allies or enemies. If they're not business partners, then they're your competitors. Man, do you even have any other close friends aside from that Xiao Yu and I? And now you suddenly start flaunting that bond mark on your neck. Are you kidding me? When and how did that even happen?"

He did make some valid points, Zhang Zhehan thought to himself. But while news of the White Tiger group's downfall had reached the public, it had been arranged in such a way that there would only be little details released to the media. Most people only knew that there was a huge gang fight taking place. Those with better connections — like the Wang group — were aware that it was the Zhang family who emerged victorious in the clash. But nobody knew the exact reason for the fight, especially not the fact that the now deceased White Tiger group's leader had been so brazen in his acts that he took the Zhang family's leader and a civilian hostage. And it was even more of a secret that at some point during the conflict, the two hostages ended up forming a bond shortly before they were rescued.

Of course, nobody knew that the two hostages were familiar with each other courtesy of their fateful meeting on one rainy night many weeks ago.

"The other party is an ordinary person who doesn't come from the same world as us," giving his friend a friendly pat on the chest, Zhang Zhehan smiled at him, "For the sake of his safety, I can't share too many details. Sorry about that."

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