Part 5~A Long Day

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"Today, we will be closing at 6 p.m. Thank you for coming," the voice announced as the day came to a close. The sun was setting and Kaminari and Mineta were dead inside.

"It's still the pre-opening and we're already this busy. What'll it be like tomorrow?" Mineta raised his head, a tired look on his face.

"Stop, I don't want to think about it." Kaminari buried his face in his hands as they heard a cheerful tone.

"Mineta! Kaminari! Good work today," Uraraka waved but the boys were not looking at her. They were looking at Melissa.

"Woah! Where did you come from?!" Kaminari struggled to his feet as Melissa smiled.

"Hi there. I'm a friend of Makoto."

Neither Kaminari nor Mineta knew who that was but they did not care. "You're so cute. It feels worth going through his struggle to be in front of you," Mineta screamed as Melissa chuckled.

"Sorry, but you're wasting your time. I'm not into guys."

Kaminari and Mineta deflated.

"You made a good attempt though. Here." Melissa held out the tickets as Mineta and Kaminari stared in confusion.

"What is this?"

"Invitations to the reception party," Yaoyorozu explained as the boys began to shake.

"Party? For us?"

"Melissa prepared them for you," Jiro added as Uraraka shot forward.

"She thought you should at least have some fun today."

Melissa laughed awkwardly. "I had extra, so please, use them if you'd like."

Kaminari and Mineta looked at each other as they began to sob. Iida ignored them, turning to look at the group. "I heard that there will be quite a few pro heroes at the party, as well. In order to keep from embarrassing the name of UA, change into your formal clothes and let us attend the party as a group. We'll meet at 6:30 pm in Lobby 7 of the central tower! Make sure you're on time! I will contact Todoroki and Bakugo. Goodbye." And Iida took off, leaving the group watching him in shock.

"Wow, he doesn't slow down." Melissa smiled as she turned away. "I'm going to track down Makoto, he won't remember to show up without me. See you later." Melissa waved behind her as she rushed off.

"I wonder if Bakugo will bring Izuku," Uraraka muttered as Jiro chuckled.

"Let's hope not. That guy seems... chaotic."

"It's hard to imagine him and Katsuki being little kids together."

"If I was their teacher I would quit."

Uraraka laughed as they split off to get changed.


Katsuki huffed as he caught up with Makoto. "Why are you both so fast?"

Makoto ignored him, walking into the lab and heading straight to his station.

"Makoto? Aren't you going to say something?"

"Is there anything I should say?" Makoto grabbed a prototype, messing around with the parts.

"No, but it's been a while since we've had the chance to talk. How have you been?"

"Can't you ask Izuku? Unlike him, I don't have time to mess around."

Katsuki frowned, watching as Makoto moved the same wire about without really doing anything. "You don't seem to be doing much."

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