Chapter 1

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Qi Lin paced back and forth as she was waiting for her cousin to arrive at the Persimmon Tennis Park. She was put to a halt when she heard her ringtone and quickly answered it, "Meimei, where are you now?"

"Jiejie I just got off the train can you come and fetch me? I don't seem to find the tennis court,"

Qi Lin slightly chuckles and answers, "Sure, give me a minute and I'll find you. Just stay where you are, don't go anywhere."

Qi Lin hangs up the phone and starts to jog in the direction of the train station. She then spots Qi Ying from afar and is about to call her when a short boy approaches her. The boy seemed to be asking about the directions since Qi Ying is pointing somewhere.

Huh? She said that she doesn't know the way. What is she doing now? Qi Lin asks herself.

She sees the boy now going left. She just shrugs it off and proceeds to walk towards Qi Ying. She notices that Qi Ying is still staring longingly at the direction where the boy went. Qi Lin suddenly squeezes both of Qi Ying's arms to put her out of her trance as she says, "Seems like Meimei has a lot on her mind."

"Jiejie! When did you get here?" Qi Ying responded while wrapping her older cousin in a hug.

"Just got here," she said with a pause as she patted her head. Qi Ying then lets go of her cousin.

Qi Lin then says, "Now let's go see the match, or else Mom will be looking for us." She pulls Qi Ying in the right direction of where the match is being held.

"Ehhh, Jiejie isn't it that way?" Qi Ying pulls back and points to the left.

"Silly Ying, it's this way. Is that why you pointed that boy in that direction?" Qi Ying's eyes widen at her older cousin's statement. She then breaks off from her cousin's hold and rushes in the direction she had told the boy.

"Meimei! Where are you going? Mom's going to look for us if we don't go now!" Qi Ying does not respond, so all Qi Lin can do is follow her younger cousin.


After 5 minutes, she realized that despite Qi Ying's size, she's a really fast runner and is easy to lose.

Whew, I need a drink. Qi Ying would be hearing a lot from me when I see her.

Searching for a vending machine, Qi Lin spotted Qi Ying with the same boy. She approached them, pinching Qi Ying's cheeks, "Qi- Ying! Why did you just run off?! You know you don't know this place well, and yet you had the audacity to run off like that!"

"Ehhhh," Qi Ying reacted. "Jiejie, I was only trying to find him because I accidentally gave him the wrong directions," she said having trouble speaking while being pinched on the cheeks. Qi Lin sighs, drop the pinching and replies, "Fine, but you owe me a drink." Qi Ying nods as she tries to scan and buys 3 drinks for them when her phone says that she doesn't have any balance left.

Qi Lin exhales heavily and pulls out some money putting it in the vending machine. She turns to the boy and asks, "What would you like?" The boy just points at the grape Fanta and Qi Lin pushes the button for the grape Fanta and orange Fanta. The can drops and Qi Lin points to Qi Ying to get them and offer one to the boy.

Qi Ying understood the message, grabbed the can, and said "Here you go. I apologize for what happened to your match." The boy just takes it, nods, and goes on his way when he bumps into another boy who just starts yelling at him and starts challenging him to a match.

Now, that would be interesting. I wish I was still the same as before.

Qi Ying and Qi Lin found themselves following the boys to a vacant tennis court, when Qi Lin heard her phone ringing again. Oh no, Mom's gonna kill me now.

"Heyyyyy Mom," She shakily answers. The other line's sound suddenly burst through her ears.

"I told you to fetch your cousin, what happened to bring her here?"

"Uhmm well, I encountered some setbacks. We're at a vacant tennis court right now." She anxiously answers her mother.

"I'm going there right now." her mom answers and drops the call. Qi Lin then hears the boy who's officiating the game saying 1-0 and asks them to change court.

Well, that was fast.

She can hear the officiator tell the other players to not tell them that they were from Yu Qing Tennis Club. Qi Ying then whispers, "They're my seniors?" Qi Lin then responds to Qi Ying's whispers, "Then they must be my classmates or juniors."

Qi Lin freezes up when another voice responds from the back. "So, you guys found Lu Xia."

"Lu Xia? Like THE Little Lu Xia that I used to play with when I was younger?" Qi Lin asks, shocked by the new information that she just learned.

"Yes, that Lu Xia," her mother responds.

"I thought he was living abroad?" she counters.

"Well, he just got back - around the same time we arrived." her mother answers.

Wow, he's quite different from the Lu Xia that I know. He's not that cheery anymore.

Qi Lin was snapped out of her train of thought when she heard her Mom telling Qi Ying to not enter the court during a match. She then looks at her mom, "Mom, aren't you going to do anything?"

"Just believe in him. He knows what he's doing." She answers.

The match continues with Lu Xia serving and constantly hitting his opponent's face through his Twist Serve.

His opponent gives up and Lu Xia ends the match by serving the ball and saying to his opponent, "You need to work harder." All Qi Lin can do is chuckle at his antics as Lu Xia approaches them.

Coach Qi says to Lu Xia, "You really are your father's son." He just nods at this statement, while Coach Qi tries to introduce the two girls, "So this is my daughter, Qi Lin, do you still remember her?"

He then shakes his head yes and says "Jiejie Lin, you look different from what I remember."

Qi Lin counters with a teasing tome, "You too, where the Little Lu Xia that's so bubbly and wanting to catch up to me?"

Coach Qi then continues, "And this is my niece, Qi Ying, you're in the same grade level as her." Lu Xia only nods again, while Qi Ying shyly waves hi. Lu Xia waved back and Qi Ying blushed at his action.

Qi Lin can't help but chuckle and whisper to herself, these two are going to be so cute together. Maybe we'll just need a little push here and there in the future.

----- To be continued -----

Additional info:
Meimei - Younger Sister
Jiejie - Older Sister

Author's Note:

So, there's not much on this chapter, just almost the same scenario with Lu Xia and Qi Ying's meeting during the first episode but with Qi Lin added into the mix. That's all for now.

Game, Set, Love: A Yu Qing RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now