The Return of Captain Planet

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SonicJohnz924 Studios Presents

A SonicJohnz924/Cartoon Playhouse Original Series

(Distant Bells, Music)

🎵Come along, It's time for Class, Hear the bells... another C.E. Day, Hooray! For the Students of... 🎵


Bugs and Students: (singing)🎵 So Count to Three! (One, Two Three!) And clap your hands (Clap your hands) Learn something new (Something new) Join our Schoolkids Band today! 🎵

Sonic: Right this way!

Bugs and Students: (singing) 🎵It's another C.E. Day! It's another C.E. Day!

Bugs: Bugs Bunny!

Daffy: Daffy!

Sonic: Sonic!

Amy: Amy!

Bluey: Bluey!

Bingo: Bingo!

Tails: Tails!

Yakko: Yakko!

Wakko: Wakko!

Elinor: Elinor!

Dot: And Dot!

Bugs and Students: (singing)🎵 It's another C.E. Day! For us students of Cartoon Elementary!🎵


Sonic: Friends! Let our powers combine!

Bugs: Yes! Earth!

Mario: Fire!

Sonic: Wind!

Amy: Water!

Bluey: Heart!

(Captain Planet is summoned)

Captain Planet: By your Powers combined... I am Captain Planet!

Kids: Go Planet!

(Song Ends)

Episode 86

"The Return of Captain Planet"

Bugs: (Narration) If you remember the TV Show "Captain Planet and the Planeteers", you'll know that the Planeteers had five Elements at their Disposal: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Heart.

(continued) Well, My friends and I were tasked with having these 5 Elements on Earth Day during the second Spring, as the Original Planteers had Retired.

(continued) So Gaia, the avatar of the Earth, tasked us to wield these special 5 rings and use them to stop the Eco Villians. She chose me for Earth, Mario for Fire, Sonic for Wind because of his speed, Amy for Water, and Bluey for Heart.

(Continued) And fittingly enough, it was the Week of Earth Day that we were tasked with this job, and this is what happened on that Memorable Earth Day. How'd we get them? Here's how it happened.

Cartoon Elementary. Cafeteria.

Gaia: Bugs Bunny, Bluey Heeler. Amy Rose, Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog, I come bearing grave news of a major crisis on our Earth.

Bluey: Ahh! Who are you?!

Gaia: My apologies. I am Gaia; the Avatar of the Earth and its life forms.

Bluey: Whoa... And how did you know our names?!

Gaia: I am the Avatar of the Earth in my Universe. I know everyone's name who lives within my Universe, and the Multiverse beyond my boundaries.

Cartoon Elementary S5: The Second SpringWhere stories live. Discover now