Sorry about the now posting I had to go to Volleyball practice then after get pads go my knees and another thing but you don't want to know what it is so ya.Oh I meant to say his name was Niall tehe sorry. And you live in Ireland. M
Rosetta's P.O.V
"Rosetta get down here now" Uncle Sam called " coming" I respond back. I go down the stairs "yes" I said "did you do the dishes, vacuum the carpet, and do the laundry?" He asked "yes sir" I respond back. "Go see if the girls need anything, and Niall". "Yes sir" I said and went to see if the girls need anything ( A/N the Girls names are Ashly and Alex). "Do you need anything" I asked. "No now go away" Alex said. "K if you need any thing call for me" I said and left to Naill's room. "Hey Niall need anything?" I ask.
"Nope" he said then he said "Rosetta I want to tell you something" he said in a sadish tone. "What is it?" I asked. "I have not told anyone but" he got cut off by me "but what?" I ask. "I'm leaving for x-factor" he said still in a Sad tone. "Why?" I ask. "Because all my friends say I have a amazing voice" he said. "At leased you have friends" I mumbled under my breath. "What" Niall asked. "Nothing" I said. "We'll good luck and how are you going to tell your dad and sisters?" I asked.
"Maybe a note explaining what I'm doing" he said. "But then your dad will think I told you to" I said in a sad tone. "No he won't because I will make sure to tell him that you had nothing to do with it" he a shored me. I smiled a bit. "Will you wake me up when you leave so I can say one last good bye?"I asked. "Yes I promise" he said I smiled at him. "So when are you leaving?" I asked. "I'm leaving...
Hey I know I left a cliff hanger but don't worry I'm maybe post tomorrow or Wednesday. So ya. BYE
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My Love For Carrot Boys
FanfictionHi this is my first fan fiction and Tabie I'm using the name you and I made up. Sorry but I wanted to use the name WE made up.So don't freak out. And again I'm sowwy pwease don't freak out I'm using the name.