In The Living Room
Louis' P.O.V
I invited Elinore over to Rosetta's so I could break up with her. Why? Something about me and Rosetta just clicked it just seems so right. being with Elinore just doesn't seem right any more. I was pulled from my thoughts by the door bell ringing. Rosetta went over to it and answers it. "Louis it's for you." Rosetta said in an unhappy voice. "Coming." I went to the door and saw Elinor standing there. "Hey babe!" She said with a smile. "Listen I called you over here to tell you something that you won't want to hear." She looked at me really scared. "Ok let it out tell me." She said really slow. "El we need to break up I meet someone new."
Rosetta's pov
I walked away with my heart sunk to my stomach. I heared yell coming from the door then Louis walked in with his right cheek red and with a hand print on it. I bursted into laughter. Louis came over to me. "STOP LAUGHING." he yield, I was now laughing on the ground Louis came over to me and started to tickle my sides. "Louis....stop...please!" He looked at me and stopped for a few seconds to talk. "No. Not tell you say you are sorry." I looked at him with a serious face. "Never, you will never catch me alive." He gave me a confused face. "Love, you are captured alive." He respond.
"Fine I surrender" I said. "Say your sorry" he said. "Why" "Would you like me to tickle you more?" He asked. "NO!!!" I yelled. "I'm sorry. Are you happy?" I said. "Yes" he said. Then he got off me and sat on the coach so did I but next to Niall and Zayn.
Louis's P.O.V
"So what happened?" Niall asked. "Um.... I'll tell you guys later" I said. "Ok how about we play..." "Truth or dare!!!" Rosetta yelled. "Let's play" Liam said. Then we got in a circle Liam sat next to Jessica and Niall and Niall sat next to Janett and Rosetta sat by her and I sat by Rosetta and Harry, sat next to Zayn. "So who's first?" I asked. "I will" Jessica said. "Ok, Liam truth or dare?" Jessica asked. "Truth" Liam responded. "Ok, who do you like out of this circle?" Jessica asked. "Uh... Um... Jessica" He whispered.
"Who?" I asked. "Jessica" He mumbled. "Who?" Jessica asked. "You" He said. Jessica started to blush along with Liam. Aww young love. "Aww" Rosetta said. "Ok, Liam your turn" I said. "Umm... Rosetta truth or dare?" Liam asked her. "Umm... I never let down a dare. So dare!!!" She answered.
"Ok, kiss the boy you like in the circle" He said. She was starting to blush. "Ok" she said and turned to me. Then she leans in and kissed me I kissed back. 5...4...3...2...1. Wow! She knows how to kiss. It was amazing. Then she was blushing like crazy.
Rosetta's P.O.V
"Ok, Naill truth or dare?" She asked. "Truth" "Ok, who do you like in this circle?" I asked. He started to blush. "Uh... Um... * Jannet*" He coughed. "Awww!!!" I yielded. We played till 11:23. "I'm going to bed" "Wait Rosetta can the boys stay over?" Jannet asked. "Um... If they want to I guess" I said. "Ok, so Naill you will sleep with Jannet. Liam you will sleep with me and Louis you will sleep with Rosetta and Zyan you will sleep in the guest room-" Jessica said. "Oh Rose can we invite Tabitha please?" Jannet asked. "Sure I guess. Is she still up right now?" I asked. "Ya I texted her to come over at 11:18 and Harry you will sleep in the other guest room" Jessica said. "Ok, she will be in the guest room with Harry" I said. "Um... I have a confection to say" Harry said. "Go ahead what is it?" Zayn said. "Ok, I don't know how to put this but I'm... Dating her right now" Harry said. "WHAT!!!" I yelled. "She didn't tell you?" He said. "Uh does it look like we new?" I said. The door bell started to ring. "I call answering it!!!" I yelled. And ran towards the door and answered it. "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL US!!!" I yelled. "About?" She question. "About you and Harry" I said. "I was going to tell you when I got here but that is a little to late. So how did you find out?" She asked. "Um, your boyfriend" I said. "WAIT HE'S HERE?!?!" She question "yep" I said. Then she ran in. "Don't mind me!" I yelled. "Oh come here Rosetta" Then Jessica came over and hugged me. "At less Jessica loves me!" I yelled then closed the door and went to the living room. "Ok now I'm going to bed I will talk to you later. Good night" I said. "Good night" They said. "I'm going to bed too" Louis said and went to bed.
Sooo sorry about me not posting for a week pritie much. From now on I'm posting at least 1 a week at most 2 times a week. And thank you Tabitha for help on the 2 first paragraphs.

My Love For Carrot Boys
FanfictionHi this is my first fan fiction and Tabie I'm using the name you and I made up. Sorry but I wanted to use the name WE made up.So don't freak out. And again I'm sowwy pwease don't freak out I'm using the name.