K so @Tabitha said I could use the name so ya lets get to the story.
Hi I'm Rosetta and I'm 20 my mom and dad died because of a drunk driver. I live with my abusive uncle. If I don't do what I'm told he beats me. I hate him but they couldn't find another family member so I got stuck with him. He has two daughters and one son. They all treat me like dirt except his son he is nice to me but he acts like he's mean to me in front of his family, but when he's not in front of them he's sweet.
Sorry, so short but the next one will be longer ( I hope ). So any way I know I said I will post this on Wednesday but just really excited because this is my first fanfic. Yay. Any way vote comment and the next one maybe tomorrow I don't know we'll bye.

My Love For Carrot Boys
FanfictionHi this is my first fan fiction and Tabie I'm using the name you and I made up. Sorry but I wanted to use the name WE made up.So don't freak out. And again I'm sowwy pwease don't freak out I'm using the name.