Chapter 5 呪 A Cursed Election

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"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, everyone," Aizawa greeted us as class began, sifting through some papers. "I reviewed the video feeds and results for each of your teams."

His tired eyes settled on Bakugo first. "Bakugo, you clearly have talent, so don't sulk like a child over your loss. Take it as motivation to improve."

Bakugo clicked his tongue sharply, grumbling under his breath. I couldn't quite make out his words, but I assumed they were rather vulgar.

Aizawa's gaze shifted to Midoriya next. "And Midoriya, while you did win your match, the only way you succeeded was by recklessly breaking your arm again." He sighed wearily. "I understand you're still getting a handle on your Quirk, but you can't keep damaging your body like that. It's unsustainable."

Midoriya ducked his head, cheeks flaming. "R-right! I'll work on controlling my power better!"

"See that you do," Aizawa said. "That Quirk will become a valuable asset if you can learn to use it properly."

He then clapped his hands together loudly, making several of us jump. "Now, time to get down to business. Our first task today will decide your future..."

The class immediately tensed up. Were we in for another ruthless Quirk assessment test?

"...You'll need to pick a class representative," Aizawa finished casually.

The classroom erupted into shouted appeals, nearly everyone scrambling to volunteer themselves. Well, almost everyone - I settled for a loud yawn instead, already tuning out the cacophony.

Suddenly Iida was on his feet, hand chopping the air authoritatively. "Everyone! The most logical way to handle this would be democratically. We should put it to a vote!"

The class gradually quieted, mulling over his suggestion. It did seem the fairest method. We passed out slips of paper to write our selections on.

When Aizawa tallied up the votes, Midoriya had come out on top with four, while Yaoyorozu followed as a close second with two.

Bakugo baulked at the results. "You idiots!" he raged, sparking explosions dancing across his palms. "Who the hell voted for Deku?!"

Sero couldn't resist a jab of his own. "What's wrong, Bakugo? Upset no one picked you?"

Bakugo looked ready to detonate at that, but Aizawa intervened before bloodshed could occur.

"Enough. Midoriya is our class representative, and Yaoyorozu will be deputy. I expect everyone to show them proper respect." His tone brooked no argument.

Midoriya sputtered in disbelief even as Yaoyorozu sighed resignedly. "There isn't some kind of mistake?" he asked timidly.

Kirishima turned towards me, curiosity plain on his open face. "Who'd you end up voting for, Katoka?"

I shifted my gaze briefly to the freckled boy still attempting to process this new responsibility. "The hero one," I replied simply.

Kirishima furrowed his triangular brows. "Well, we're at a school full of aspiring heroes, gonna need more specifics than that!" He laughed boisterously.

I merely offered a faint shrug in return. Wasn't it obvious who I meant?

Soon enough we were released for lunch break. As I wandered through the bustling cafeteria searching for a place to sit, I realised with dull surprise that I somehow got separated from both Kirishima and Midoriya. How had such distinctive hair colours vanished from sight so quickly?

Cursed Blessing 呪 My Hero Academia x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now