Chapter 10 呪 A Cursed Survival

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I stood paralyzed, watching the battle unfold between All Might and the villains. The Nomu creature laid defeated, blasted through the roof of the USJ by All Might's earth-shattering punch. Yet despite this triumph, unease still twisted my gut.

Shigaraki scraped at his neck, seeming unnerved. "Oh, come on... What's going on here? He's just as strong as he's always been. Don't tell me I was lied to."

"What's wrong?" All Might goaded. "Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to 'clear this level' earlier? Well, come and get me. If you dare." His voice rang clear with challenge.

I shuddered, the tension palpable. This was a standoff between titans - good and evil locked in mortal struggle. What role could we students possibly play in this godlike battle?

"Man, this is...intense," Kirishima muttered, voicing my thoughts. Hardened skin studded his arms, betraying his anxiety.

"There's no reason for us to fight now. He'll handle this," Todoroki stated calmly, though frost crept from his feet, freezing the concrete.

I tore my eyes from the villains, spotting Midoriya nearby. His face was bone-white, eyes blown wide in naked fear. Green lightning seemed to crackle around him as he stared at All Might. Strange - I knew Midoriya idolised the hero. Why wasn't he thrilled to witness All Might's power unleashed?

"Midoriya?" I asked gently. He jolted as if slapped. "All Might... He- He's-" Midoriya stammered brokenly. His breath came in panicked gasps now, hands fisted and shaking. Honestly, this reaction unnerved me more than any villain.

"What?! Are you scared?!" All Might heckled the villains. Shigaraki recoiled as if struck.

What was happening here?

"No one... else knows..." Midoriya wheezed under his breath. I strained to decipher his cryptic words. Before I could question him further, he whirled towards me, eyes blazing.

"Shi-chan! All Might needs-"

Understanding clicked. "I got it," I said firmly, already forming certain hand signs. I had to protect All Might, no matter the cost. Wasn't that what heroes did - save those who saved others?

As I wove my curse, memories flashed unbidden through my mind...

"It's All Might!" My 5-year old self had cheered, watching the #1 Hero on TV. On-screen, All Might soared over a war-torn city, carrying civilians to safety faster than the eye could follow. His dazzling smile symbolised hope to all.

"He's amazing!" I beamed brighter than the sun. Beside me though, my mother regarded the screen with quiet sadness.

"All Might, huh?" She murmured. "I just worry for the burden placed on him as the #1 hero."

I stared at her, confused and crestfallen. Didn't all adults love All Might like I did? Seeing my face, she quickly clarified.

"One day, society will have to learn to live without an All Might. Either that or the expectations placed on him will lead to his downfall." She looked at the floor sadly.

Her ominous words chilled me. A world without All Might's protection? The thought was incomprehensible to my 5-year old self.

Sensing my distress, she pulled me close and stroked my hair soothingly.

"I just worry that when heroes are busy saving others, there's no one left to save them," she explained gently.

I considered this dilemma. Then an idea sparked - I leapt onto our couch, striking All Might's iconic flexing pose.

Cursed Blessing 呪 My Hero Academia x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now