Chapter 9

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You woke up for another depressing day without Toby. It had been two weeks, but you still cried at the memories of him. You missed everything about him, the way he twitched, the sound of him cracking his neck, his pale face, his dark brown hair, the way he made you laugh, but most of all you missed him. You looked at your self in the mirror and saw that your eyes had gotten puffier and redder. You sat on your sofa and watched the news rebroadcast the Toby story. Tears filled your eyes as you remember the memories of your boyfriend. You glanced out of your window and saw the faceless man from your last date with Toby. You growled in anger as it teleported in your house "what do you want" you spat "do you miss Toby" he asked. Tears streamed down your face "yes, ever single day" you croaked "he's not dead, you know" he said. "What" you said in confusion "child, Toby is far from dead" he explained. "How do you know that" you asked "because I saved him" he said. "Do you know where he is" you asked still worried about Toby "yes, I can take you to him, if you want" he said. "Yes, I need to see him again" you said "alright" he said giving you his hand. You grabbed it and the tall faceless man took you to a mansion in the woods. "Here we are" he said then knocked on the door. A man wearing a black mask and orange hoodie opened the door "h-hello slenderman, w-who is t-that" he asked curiously. "You'll find out later... where's Toby" slender asked "in t-the kitchen w-with Masky" he answered. Slender guided you threw the mansion to the kitchen where you saw two guys. One had a white mask and a jacket. The other had on orange goggles and a grey mouth guard. The one with goggles kept poking the one with the mask and repeatedly said "hey Masky". Slender cleared his throat to get both of their attention witch they quickly looked up at him. the one with goggles kept staring at you, like you were the only thing that mattered. "Toby, do you know her" slender said, gesturing to you "yes sir, I love her" the one with goggles answered. He then took off his goggles and mouth guard, it was Toby. You covered you mouth in shock then ran over to him and kissed him. "I missed you so much" Toby said hugging you "I missed you too" you said hugging back. Tears streamed down both of your faces as you both smiled. "I was thinking about making her a proxy" slender said "I would love that sir" Toby chirped happily "wait there's going to be two of them" the one with the mask said then put his head down. "Well, (y/n), would you like to be a proxy" slender asked "yes, it would be an honor" you said and jumped into Toby's arms. You both lived together happily as proxies.

(Hey guys that was the end of this fic, sorry it was short. Pls leave in the comments what you want me to do next whether it's a boyfriend scenario or more x readers. Thanks for all the likes too, I greatly appreciated them.

Bye guys)

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