Chapter II: Tritus Corp

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      "I'm telling you, we don't know about anyone putting in this order!" Bellows Marquess Dahl as he gets into a rather heated argument with the man in sophisticated wear outside the door. This man looked as though he could be in line for the world's tightest suits, as he stood outside, pen and clipboard in hand, scrawling some few words in the paper before facing the Marquess. His silver chained monocle hanging from his eye as he looked straight into the Marquess with squinted clear slits. Behind him stood in line at least five carriages worth of random wholesale products, each carriage filled to the brim of it. Why not just drop a whole piano on my head while you're at it?!

On a random Tuesday morning, Marquess Dahl leisured among his estate, standing and watching the men working under the construction of the greenhouse as one would do when he has nothing else to work for. The Emperor's beloved Greenhouse- Von Fleur. Von Fleur, under the demands of the current Emperor Norton Del Luca, is a greenhouse which grows one of the rarest flowers among the entire continent, never traded, never touched. The responsibility naturally falls under Duke Eckleis but with the current expedition that lasted for over 8 months Duke Eckleis could not even give the Emperor's flower a safe home even if he wanted to. Left with no other choice, the Emperor handed over the responsibility towards Marquess Dahl whom greatly accepted the royal orders.

"My Lord, a visitor has come to see you," Aliro said, a man in his late sixties stood poised in front of the Marquess. Marquess Dahl's servant and his most loyal friend. Aliro, one of the few many servants of the Dahl family who stayed serving them even before Marquess Dahl inherited the estate. Marquess Dahl turned in question at his butler. Aliro lowered his head, hands behind his back as he spoke. "Tritus Corp has come with a..." His rasp voice strayed from his lips as he searched for the right words.

"Tritus Corp has come to deliver your inquiries."

Looking at the never ending pile mounting up before him brought Marquess Dahl to his current situation. First, Jayus had thrown a cup at Viscount Deborah, now this generous charity case of things he did not need. Before the Marquess could make anymore complaints, the man finally spoke up. Eyes squinted in a smile, yet no trace of joy could be detected in such snake-like features, rather than seeming happy to be there, he just looked rather annoyed.

"Morning greetings towards to you too, Marquess Dahl but it appears so here on our records that you purchased- a hundred bottles of cleaning liquids, another hundred bars of refresheners, fifty-eight bottles of ink, at least five bags worth of stationary, five hundred wiping cloths, another hundred feather dusters, snow globes and at least two hundred of them-" This man had not even stopped to catch his breath the moment he started reciting all of the things written on that clipboard of his, and with every item he had written off, another year had been taken out of the Marquess life instead.

"-One hundred barrels of wine,"

"Oh wait that's not so bad,"

"Three hundred wads of papers-"

"We won't even live long enough to use all of those!"

"And a spoon- Ah, mind you this is just the first page." The man, seeing as how he had already taken half of the Marquess lifespan smiled at the Marquess as he casted his clipboard to his side "The ones with me today are only four items on the list, the rest will be sent to the estate shortly after they make sure to package all the correct quantity of items. Marquess Dahl, rest assured that your products will arrive safely,"

After hearing this, the Marquess snapped back to life. Strong, rough hands grabbing desperately at this snake man, and with the force of a million storms shook the poor man like there was no tomorrow "No no no! You've got it all wrong, we made no such ridiculous order for such useless things!" Marquess Dahl was not quite sure of the situation at hand. Perhaps he had accidentally called the Tritus Corp and made a ridiculously long and unreasonable order in his sleep, after all his wife once told him how she had a full conversation with him once as he was unconscious. At that time it was funny, but when you wake up to find you're five hundred thousand Leons in debt to some bogus business? Admittedly it was funny but not when it happened to him. Maybe to some other noble much like Marquess Dawerson, his greatest enemy, then it would have been funny. He could already imagine it now if somehow word got out of this ludicrous prank. Marquess Dawerson would be laughing his ass off right now. Tritus Corp is exceedingly known to be one of the Empires biggest companies and suppliers. They dealt with huge orders, even orders that seemed ridiculously difficult to get a hold of. One of the reasons for their huge reputation was due to his Majesty, The Emperor's Request of obtaining the rare flower he had so desperately sought for. The same flower Marquess Dahl is currently possessing, and entrusted to care for now.

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