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Name:Min YoongiAge:30

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Name:Min Yoongi



"Ok I'll take it for you while my way back home ", Yoongi agreed to his lovely brother on the other side of the phone.

"Aish I have been waiting for last 1 hour when will my turn come "Jimin whined internally as his legs pains him enough, only if isn't for his best friend Taehyung's birthday he would have never been spending his day in this famous bakery just to get Taehyung's favourite cake but he decided already so he'll gonna do it anyway.

"Yeah , just 3 more people and then it's me" Jimin smiled but his smile turned into curiosity when a man in suit followed by a bodyguard entered and directly went to the area cake was to be taken and got ten of them.

" Customers we are sorry we are out of stock now you can come tomorrow and thank you for coming ", Chef informed with a guilty expression like he really felt bad for these 6 customers who got bad luck to be waiting the most and got disappointment.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!", Jimin was not taking this shit
"we have been waiting for hours and there just he ", pointing at Yoongi, "came and got the cake without caring about anything ", that triggered Yoongi as he was never being questioned. "Just because he got fucking money and we don't"

"Yes " Yoongi proudly said
" I got this first because am Min Yoongi and what I want I get it"

"I don't give a shit what you are but I just know you don't know to consider others anything" Jimin bursted

"Because they are not anything in front of me anyway" Yoongi stated as it was fact
"And don't create a scene, I know people like you Just do this drama to get something from us", Yoongi took money from his wallet and hand it to Jimin it was not less than a slap for self-respected person like Jimin .

Yoongi was about to leave when a force pulled him and his face met with some sweet whipped cream which was not sweet anymore.Not only his face but also his expensive suit he was wearing.
This time Jimin handed him the same money he was given before.,"oops! Mr. Rich your dress tsk! tsk!  ,here take the money for drycleaning" Jimin said and stormed out of bakery angrily.

"You'll pay for messing with Min Yoongi"

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