Chapter 3

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****SHANE IN THE MM*****

Chasity's POV.

"Damn okay" I said to Killa as he busted his ugly ass in here while I was taking a nice ass bath.

Wondering why in the hell Killa wanted asked me all these questions about Shane, I was confused as hell and still wondered every night who actually killed my sister that night but with all these questions he's really making me wonder.
"Where we going"
I asked sliding my Victoria secret PINK jogging suit on and my black Uggs. It's wasn't winter cold outside but it was the beginning of November and it was a little chilly.
"To handle something" Killa said as we got into his all white Mercedes coupe.
We rode in silence until we got to a red light.
"Rell found Shane"
My heart dropped, I haven't seen or heard from him in 6 months and I needed answers from him. I know things would be awkward now that I live with Killa and he had a hit out for him but man I needed fucking answers my sister got killed that night behind his bullshit and I was honestly upset not only did my sister get killed but shit she was pregnant and we didn't find out until her autopsy. That hurt me deep, I've never been the same since that night and I don't understand my purpose in life anymore when I don't have anyone left, no family no nothing. Killa is the only person that's in my life and I don't honestly understand why he's in my life because ever since that night he's treated me with so much respect. Always checking up on me to see how I'm doing, bringing food and just spending time with me. We spend so much time together it's like we're together but we're not, I'll never see him that way.
"Where are we" I asked, pulling up to this old warehouse that looked burned down in the middle of nowhere...
"Just get out and don't ask any questions"
I furrowed my eyebrows together wondering what did he mean by that.
We walked into the warehouse and I covered my nose at the smell of it. It reeked of old rat shit and urine I almost puked but I continued to follow Killa further down this dark hallway. We came to the end of the hallways and he kicked his foot twice on the right side of the tile and the wall opened
"What the fuck" I said , I covered my mouth noticing how loud I was.
Killa just chuckled "Movie type of shit huh"
Hell yeah I responded "Can we leave Ple--" Killa opened the door and I saw something that I wish I wouldn't have ever seen a day in my life. ....... SHANE.
He sat tired to a chair butt ass naked, half beaten his face was all bruised up and he looked as if he had a Bowel movement on himself he looked bad.
"Shane" I asked
"Oh bitch it's you" he said half awaken
"What did you just call me" I asked shocked by his response.
Shut the fuck up Killa said slapping him across his head.
"Yeah you got bitches working for you now to do all your dirty work now, I should've killed yo bitch ass while I could, instead I got that low down piece of shit as girl"
I got angry as I figured he was talking about my sister Shanita...
"I got your piece of shit you bitch" I said as I rushed towards him and kicked him in his balls trying to crush them in the process
"Arghhhhhh" he screamed. "Rot in hell you dumb bitch you and your sister" he coughed up to say.
"Not before you" Killa said as he blasted one bullet through Shane's head and brain matter splattered everywhere.
"Damn muthafucker warm me next time" Rell said referring to all the blood on him.
"Clean that shit up" Killa said to him.
"Why'd you do that I wanted to know why he did it" I asked him as we walked out of the warehouse. .... He sighed and looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "Because I couldn't let him talk shit to someone I care about."

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