Chapter Seven

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The twins called off this afternoon. They seemed to have an inconvenience, and both needed to leave. Nobody knew exactly why they were gone. It had apparently anything to do with The Row, probably something personal. 

This resulted in me going back into my office, reading emails, which was a task I hated doing but it had to be done anyway, as well as canceling Mary-Kate and I's smoking break. I couldn't help thinking. I was bemused about whether I was eager or nervous to see her. Mary-Kate. 

I didn't understand why she held such an important place in my daily thoughts. Why I couldn't stop thinking about her. Why I felt both impatient and freaked out about this cigarette break. She was only my boss, whom I didn't know two weeks ago. I was also confused as to why she completely ignored me for a week, but now she was acting almost friendly. 


The twins didn't show up until the following afternoon, but when they did, nobody dared to speak. I didn't quite understand why such silence at first, but when I saw both of them hurriedly walking down the corridor, I knew that something was off. 

As they were walking, I caught Mary-Kate's gaze for a brief moment. I tried to study her face during the prompt instant our eyes locked. I wanted to know what happened. Why they left so suddenly yesterday.

I got up from my chair and rushed to Niguel's office. I found Emily, already leaning against Niguel's desk. 

"Ana, darling" Niguel started. I smiled at Emily and went straight to the point. 

"Do you guys know why they seemed pissed?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"I heard someone said they had a fight" Emily commented, and I blinked a few times. 

"Mary-Kate and Ashley? A fight? But they're like two peas in a pod?"

"This is just a rumor, there are probably plenty of them running in this building." Niguel stated.

 "Yeah, but despite their looks, they're still sisters, and sisters fight. That's all I'm saying." Emily said but I added.

"But it doesn't make any make sense. If they really did have a fight, they wouldn't have left together yesterday, and they wouldn't have come back together today?"

During our little debate, Niguel was looking at us, smiling. "Why are you even smiling?" Emily scolded him and before he even had the time to say a word, we heard a scoff. 

Niguel's smile dropped and Emily went poker faced. I was the only one out of us three who had my back to the door, but I didn't even need to see who had coughed at the door that Niguel and Emily's faces had already confirmed what I feared.

I took a deep breath and slowly turned around. 

Mary-Kate was standing against the door. 

I clenched my jaw and looked at her. I don't know how much she heard of that conversation, but all I wanted was to disappear, right here, right now. It was as if her eyes were shooting rays of fire at me and had pierced through the thin layer of friendship that had lazily started building up the other time in the delivery room. The last little bits of hope I had that she could appreciate me were gone. Now, I was just going to be one of the many employers who gossiped spiteful rumors behind their employers' backs.

"You coming?" Mary-Kate inquired softly. 

I stayed still for a moment, staring at her. I tried to say something, but no words escaped my mouth. I could feel Niguel and Emily's eyes staring at me too. 

I frowned and walked towards the door. We both started walking down the corridor, not saying a word, until we were far enough away from Niguel's office.

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