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Okay, so @Thegreatestofjinxers wants me to write about my brother and his girlfriend?


Honestly I don't get why Zia likes him. She could have done sooooo much better. [Carter you know it's true. Don't give me that look.]

Like, they're cute together, I guess. Both kind of nerdy, but can easily kill you if they wanted. I mean, they make a total power couple. I guess. But that's probably mostly due to Carter being pharoah and all.

Honestly if he and Zia get married, Zia would be a GREAT queen. So if Carter dies from doing something stupid [What? I'm not the ONLY Kane sibling who does stupid things!] then Zia would have full control. And I have full trust in Zia that she would lead the Nomes in the right direction. [No Carter, that doesn't mean I don't have any faith in you. Stop interrupting!]

Anyway, I guess they're a good couple. They do almost EVERYTHING together.

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