Chapter 4

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I sighed, then finally checked the time like i'd convinced myself to hours ago. I didn't think i should be up at four A.M. on Jack's birthday if we'd all be hanging out later.

I get an off feeling, and i look at it again. December 26th? It was four A.M. on my birthday? How? It was still August, wasn't it? I glanced at the window. A ginormous blanket of snow covered the dark city of New York.

Hold on, if it was December 26th, and it was four-fifty in the morning, wouldn't that mean....?

My thoughts were interrupted by my bedroom door opening, and Mikaela walked in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she cried. I stood up, and she gave me a piggyback ride into the kitchen. "I have the cake mix ready!" she tells me. She sets me down on the island, next to all of the ingredients.

Every year for my birthday since i was six and discovered my love of baking, we baked a cake at five A.M., and we were always up by five-fifty. That way, we could have it for breakfast.

We made the batter for Ghirardelli brownies and put if into a bundt cake pan. "Mmm, brownie cake," Mikaela said, licking her lips and rubbing her hands together. I laughed.

We put the pan in the oven, and Miakela sets a timer. Then we both sit at the kitchen island. Five-twenty A.M. The cake would be ready by five-fifty. We're normally out and about by six, so we had plenty of time.

"So, what do you want to do?" Mikaela asked me. "Wanna watch something? Go to Ms. Morgan's?" I smiled. "Let's go to Ms. Morgan's." We each went to our rooms to get dressed.

Ms. Morgan was our neighbor. She was in her mid-forties, and she was named after the Camelot sorceress, which is what i loved most about her. She was our childhood babysitter, and was our friend. She even had a daughter my age, and it was her birthday, too, i realized.

"You ready to go?" Mikaela asked, softly knocking on the door. "Yeah," i said. "Let's go." We walked out and down the hall. Mikaela knocked on the door, and Chelsea answered.

"Mikaela! Tom!" She hugged me tightly, and i hugged her back. "Happy birthday!" she said. "Happy birthday!" i said back. "How's it feel being twenty-three?" Mikaela asks her.

"Oh, it feels amazing!" Chelsea exclaimed. "Mom's making me a breakfast torta. It's got eggs, bacon, and hash brown." I smiled. "Does she mind making me one?" i joked.

"Don't be silly!" Ms. Morgan called. "You have a brownie cake in the oven! I can smell it from here!" We walked in, and Mikaela shut the door behind her.

"He was kidding, mom," Chelsea sighed. "Where's your dad?" i asked. "Does he work today?" Chelsea nodded. "Just til nine. He left at four-forty and started at five."

Mikaela smiled. "That's good," she said. "We can still go out for dinner later." I turn to Mikaela. "Did you text Dad?" i ask her. She nods. "He got to the hotel last night," she tells me. "His next flight leaves in two days."

Chelsea grabs me by the hand. "Wanna see Xavier's room?" she asked me. "Dad's friend just remodeled it." She pulled me in, and i gasped. It was amazing.

"It feels like it's still August, doesn't it?" Chelsea whispers in my ear. "Yeah," i say. "It really does." Xavier looks up at me from his book. "Chels, knock next time," he says. "Happy birthday, Tom," he adds. "Thanks," i tell him.


"Central Park?" Mikaela confirmed. "Yep," i said, licking my spoon. "Central Park." She nodded. "It's gonna be cold," she warned. "I'm used to it," i tell her. "We've lived in New York City for five years."

We finish eating our cake, and we say our goodbyes to Chelsea, Xavier, and Ms. Morgan. Mikaela and i get into my winter gear, and we head out to Central Park.

When we get there, i see Shawn under a tree. I run toward him, and the first thing i do is give him a kiss.

"What is it for you?" i ask him. "My birthday," Shawn told me. "It's-- It' birthday, too," i said softly. Shawn hoists himself up on the concretet "wall" in front of the tree, and i look up at him.

"Do you think we're in different times?" i ask him. "Maybe," Shawn said. "It's weird," i admit. "I fell asleep in August and woke up in December. Now i'm stuck wearing snow gear."

Shawn chuckles a bit. "You look fine," he tells me. He grabs my hands and smiled. "You look great. I don't mind it."

"Imagine it were still August," i joked. "It would be so weird, wearing all these fucking layers then." I laughed.

That's when it hit me.

Chelsea said it felt like it was still August.

By All Means, Fear [AJR]Where stories live. Discover now