Chapter 6

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"You sure?" Shawn asks Tom for the quintillionth time. "YES," Tom says, dialing Chelsea's number. "Do our siblings know we're wearing different weather clothes?" Steve asks. "My brothers would have said something," i put in. "They must have seen you guys in clothes you'd wear in August."

"Hello?" A voice came from Tom's phone. "Chels, you mind coming downstairs for a sec?" he says ever so casually. "Not at all! I'll get my gear and be down soon." She hangs up, and Dan rolls his eyes.

"Chelsea, of all people?" he says incredulously. "It couldn't have been Adam or something?" I slap his shoulder. "My brothers stay out of this," i tell him.

Chelsea then comes downstairs, a bit surprised to see the rest of us. "O- Oh! Hey guys!" she says. "Haven't seen you in forever!" She studies our clothes. "Why are you in summer clothes?" She snickers. "Dan, what are you wearing?"

We all look amongst one another. All of us thinking the same thing, we pull her into an alleyway.

"What?" she asks. "Was it something i said?" Steve nods. "What's Dan wearing?" Chelsea raises an eyebrow. "Uh, orange clothes and pink shoes?" she says. "Why, are you okay?"

"We're fine," i tell her. "We're stuck in different times. We're somehow all on our twenty-third birthday when yesterday was August fifteenth."

"Are you kidding me!?" Shawn hisses at me. "Why did you tell her the full story?!" I slap him. "Get real, bitch," i snapped. "She's clearly stuck too, and she can help us."

"Whoa, Jack, since when the fuck do you swear so much?" Steve laughed. "I can punch you, asshole," i said. Steve cleared his throat and stopped laughing. We all knew how hard i could punch.

"Okay, so, i only know Tom's birthday," Chelsea said. "I'm assuming Jack's is August sixteenth, since yesterday was the fifteenth and today is our birthdays." I nod.

"Steve's is September twenty-ninth, Dan's is June fifth, and Shawn's is April nineteenth," i filled her in. "Okay, so, it's four different seasons?" Chelsea muttered. "Shit."

"This is fucking insane," Steve says. "How do we get unstuck from time?" Shawn raises a hand. "Don't you dare say Grace Kelly from Willow Falls," i tell him. He puts his hand down.

We're all in our thoughts when Dan and Shawn fall against Tom and Chelsea's apartment building, both of them completely passed out before they fell.

"SHAWN!" Tom screams. He kneels down and sits him up, shaking him a bit. "Holy. Fucking. Shit," Steve gasps. "What the hell happened!?" Chelsea stuttered, trying to find the right words to answer him. "I don't know," i managed. "They just fell."

Tom hugged Shawn, crying silently on the floor. We all sat with him, and Steve hugged Dan. I had almost forgotten they were cousins. They were probably the closest in our group.

"Jack, what do we do?" Steve asks softly, his voice quivering. "You normally take charge in these kinds of situations." I open my mouth to talk, but the world goes black.

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