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☆ 31. ☆, 032 Dinner (Part 1)font record

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☆, 032 Dinner Party (Part 1)

Chen Qian hurriedly opened the system. She was more interested in the system than the space. There was a column about seed planting in the system.

"It's amazing! There are even potions that can increase plant cultivation, and even increase the growth rate of plants." She was happy. As long as she had these potions, she would find a way to give them to the plant cultivation professors in the college. , the speed of ancient plant research has accelerated, and she can quickly eat delicacies made from plants in her previous life. She feels extremely excited just thinking about it.

During this period of time, she basically didn't buy anything in the system, so she saved a lot of gold coins, so she bought a bottle of potion without feeling distressed. "I'll go, the system is too tricky! What can you do with just such a little bit?

" When she took out the bottle, there was a bottle in a liquid state that was only as thick as a finger. The bottle was only three millimeters high and the liquid was not full. It was estimated that it was only a little more than half of the bottle. She suddenly felt that she had spent so many gold coins to buy such a small amount. The liquid is really not cost-effective.

I frowned, what should I do? I wonder if it can be diluted? Will it still be effective if diluted? Or let scientists study the main ingredients and wonder if they can be manufactured. With the popularization of this liquid, things planted in the space can be used openly without worrying about attracting other people's attention and harming themselves.

"You are really stupid. The things produced by the system are not that ordinary. Wouldn't it scare people to death if you pour this bottle on the plants? I think it would be better if you dilute it and give it to your best friend. Such a small bottle of dilution is enough for a lot of use. ." Jin Hua had a look of disdain on his face. He was such a big fool that such a simple question was so difficult for her that he frowned. He was such a fool. He was hopelessly stupid.

"Really? That's great." Chen Qian ignored Jin Hua's call that she was stupid, with a smile on her face.

Bai family.

"Why is there no response? Chen Qian must have gone to sleep! What will happen tomorrow?" Bai Yingxue was restless, wishing she could go to Mr. Zeng's house now to ask the reason.

Didi didi.

Bai Yingxue raised her hand excitedly, "Chen Qian, how are you?" "

So, your professor asked you to talk about how to improve the germination rate of plants. You tell them tomorrow that you can use a liquid to increase the germination rate of plants. You didn't mean to You must not mention it if you find it, you know? They asked you to take it out, but you said you put it at home and brought it over the next day. When school is over tomorrow, come to my place and I will give it to you. This is still mine. I met a person and he gave me what I have been using carefully these days. Now I have some left for you! You need it more than me, so it’s best to research out the ingredients." Chen Qian said breathlessly. , I felt sore after resting my sore arms, and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"I can finally have a good night's sleep."

I got up early the next morning and rushed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Breakfast consisted of eggs, steamed buns, porridge, and fried dough sticks.

There were not many people in Zeng Lao's family, only Zeng Lao, Chen Qian and Zeng Yongqiang. Seeing that they had finished breakfast, Chen Qian packed up her things and prepared to take them to the kitchen to be washed.

"Chen Qian, you're not busy. Sit down first. I have something to say to you." Mr. Zeng said with a kind smile on his face.

Chen Qian's face was full of doubts and she was filled with curiosity. He stopped collecting the dishes and sat on the chair obediently.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" You said.

Zeng Yongqiang was about to leave when he glanced at the two of them and sat back in his seat.

"Actually, it's nothing. Major General Xuanyuan, Mu Yang, and Li Zixuan are going to be guests tonight. You have been studying for a long time these days. The teacher is thinking that you can give it a try. Everyone has completely different tastes. I don't ask you. Everyone likes the food he cooks, but at least most people should like it. It’s useless to say that the food cooked by the chef is delicious. The main thing is to cook it for others, right?" "The teacher is right

, so today I will try my best not to embarrass the teacher with the late meal." Chen Qian promised swornly.

At noon, Mr. Zeng ordered some ingredients to be purchased. Chen Qian followed and took a look. Not to mention that the people in the Food Association were different. Seeing that some of the ingredients were rare in the market, it opened her eyes. The important thing is that there are chili peppers, which is awesome! She could find it in the Gourmet Association as soon as it was planted, and she couldn't help but feel excited that her choice was very correct.

Time flies by, and soon it's afternoon, and we should be ready.

"Sister, please wash these vegetables."

"Aunt, please wash the meat!"

"Wash the dishes and chopsticks again!"

Chen Qian directed from the side. When everything was ready, I started thinking about tonight’s menu. It’s so rare that there are seafood in this world that have not mutated!

"Chen Qian, are you ready?" Mr. Zeng came here with Zeng Zhiqiang and asked.

"Oh, teacher, you are here, don't worry! I will definitely be ready." In the past, the little cook was not even good at knife skills, but now after so many years of hard work, she is confident that she can be a good chef.

Pick up the washed chili peppers and fresh tofu. This is the first dish. Since there are only chili peppers, I have to stir-fry them with the chili peppers and tofu. Post-apocalyptic humans have never eaten chili peppers. They prefer light meals and may not be used to it. For spicy dishes, with this in mind, add less chili pepper.

Braised pork ribs is a must-have. This dish is Chen Qian's favorite. It is also the easiest to find ingredients and is an indispensable dish.

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