| 15 | Moonlight ☾

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This chapter contains SPICE, detailed sexual interactions, and kinks such as bondage, praise, marking, choking, and more. If this isn't your cup of tea I suggest skipping this chapter. Thank you! And for my babes who are staying, Enjoy ;)

Does she like testing me? seeing how far she can push me until I break and finally ruin her, make her as fucked up as I am? maybe part of her likes the fear I cause her. Maybe, some part of her wants me to do what I promised her I would, maybe.. she's scared that she'd like it.

She was with him last night, they didn't finish anything, I made sure of that. But knowing that he got to touch her first makes my blood boil. Oh, but I do so look forward to punishing her for her disobedience.

━━━━ ⊱
I walk up the stairs to her apartment, I've lost my fucks to give and frankly, I'm impatient. I get to her door and take out my keys, finding the one to the door and sliding it into the lock, I open the door and walk in, closing the door behind me. She jumps when she sees me, she's sitting on her couch and jumps up off of it "What are you doing here!?" she shouts and looks me up and down, a smirk pulls at my lips. "We both know why I'm here, little flower" I stand there, waiting for her next move. "Uh, no. Get out" she commands and she stands there, crossing her arms over her chest. Her confidence intrigues me, I walk into the kitchen and look down at the counter, "Is this where he touched you? Hm?" I rasp as I drag two fingers over the cold countertop. She takes a sharp inhale and her eyes widen slightly, "Of course, I know what happened, I'm not stupid, Bambina." I say and she replies quickly, "I know you're not, I didn't say you were," she remarks in a snarky tone, god I look forward to fucking the attitude out of her.

A chuckle leaves my throat and I walk over to her, her breathing hitches as I get closer. "Y'know, you have so much attitude for someone in such a small body" I tease, she scoffs, "I am not small, I'm 5'4 okay? That's average." she rebutted, causing me to laugh a little "Whoever told you that was lying to make short people feel better." my comment causes her jaw to drop before finding another comment to make I walk closer until I'm right in front of her and I take her jaw in my hand, "I'm going to enjoy fucking this pretty mouth of yours" she pushes my hand away and I let her. She can enjoy the small moment of control she has before I strip her of everything, including that tiny amount of power I let her have. "If you think you're doing anything of the sort you're sadly mistaken," she says, her voice filled with defiance. I guess I've gotten the firey Marceline today, fun, I love getting to put her fire out. I chuckle "If you think you have a choice you're sorely mistaken, flower." she rolls her eyes at my words, a poor attempt to mask her unease. She knows that I'm going to do whatever I want and she has no say in it, but she likes that. She likes being told what to do. "Well, I don't even know your name. I don't fuck people I don't know" she says, uncrossing her arms and putting a hand on her hip, I smile "Adonis, bambina," I say, she furrows her brows "Like.. The Greek God?" her words cause a bigger smirk to appear on my face. "Yes, Amore, like the Greek God," I reply, her eyes trail over me and then meet mine again. "Well, you could pass as one, too bad you're insane," she remarks. "The best ones are baby," I say, and she scoffs, shaking her head. "You'll learn to love the crazy parts of me, and soon you'll get used to them," I say and she rolls her eyes. God I can't wait to watch those pretty eyes roll back in her head.

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