(Ch.6) I dont feel too good

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Riley household




She was dwelling on it too much... Y/n was going through my bag trying to make as little noise as possible, before changing into a pair of jeans, and she put on her dark green parka jacket, which had been a signature thing she picked up. She flung her backpack over her shoulder as she looked out Tatum's window, at the street lights, nothing but wind and autumn leaves rustling on the road.

She make her move. She slowly makes her way down the hallway, trying to make sure her boots aren't too loud as she walks downstairs and see Dewey standing shirtless in the kitchen looking at what looks to be a file.

Almost tripping she stopped dead in her tracks and avoid any shuffling noises, before taking another step to be quiet but he must have heard her jeans rubbing together between her thighs. He perked up and she stopped in her tracks when he turn and glanced at her.

"What?" He didn't seem to care she was sneaking off, but he did seem concerned about the constipated, and guilty look she was making. "You didn't do anything illegal did you?" He asked jokingly.

"No.." Y/n replied, a bit too sheepish, she was so embarrassed right now she could piss myself.

"Then get out of here, I'll tell Tatum you had to do something." He didn't seem bothered as he gave her a pat on the shoulder and sent her on her way.

Y/n's pov


I had to walk home because I didn't want my headlights to wake anybody up, and Jesus am I freezing my ass off... I put my hands in my armpits as I walk before I stop walking and look up at the moon, I had a tendency to look to the sky anytime I'm outside, I stare.

I pick up my walking and shake my head before looking both ways and crossing the road. Something doesn't feel right... Something feels wrong, and usually when things feel wrong, I'm right.

I cross into a darker part of the side walk and as I'm turning the corner I walk harshly into someone, he seem to have headphones on and was listening to something to where he couldn't hear my many apologies.

"I am so sorry! I didn't dirty you up or anything!?" I asked as I wiped the front of his suit off...

Suit? Who wears a suit at 1 in the morning.. In fact who takes strolls at this time either.

He was glaring down at me with a charming smile but his smile didn't meet his menacing eyes as he removed his headphones and harshly gripped my hand

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He was glaring down at me with a charming smile but his smile didn't meet his menacing eyes as he removed his headphones and harshly gripped my hand.

"You should be more careful, pretty girls out late tend to get into trouble." He was still gleering at me, I didn't like it.

"I insure you I'm fine Miss, get home safe won't you?" He said as his grip was less strict before bringing it to his lips.

I blinked at him and nodded before apologizing again. I walked down the street and marched my way home.





2nd pov


Patrick stood there with a victorious smirk, he knew he had some type of effect on you, even if it was just creeping you out. He stood on the sidewalk in the same place he spoke to you, the same place you apologized, the same place you wiped his suit down, the same place you touched him... The same place he got to get a closer smell of your strawberry sent, and a closer look at your (s/c) skin, (h/c) locks, and (e/c) eyes.

He needed more, but he wasn't the only one, for the Boogeymen has been watching the whole thing play out in his favorite place, the shadows, and he wasn't happy. He knew you knew too much, but he couldn't help but be curious, he was far away from Haddonfield, not his usual killing spot, but he's come to know California well, and he walks these back streets like the back of his hand. So he sets off and follows the cold (h/c) haired girl.


( am I the only one that is slightly sad but still laughs every time I see nubbins get hit by a semi truck in the original TCM or is it just me?)

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