(Ch.19) Why are you here?

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L/n residence




The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Y/N's room as she stirred awake. Stretching lazily, she yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, her mind slowly coming back to reality after a night filled with strange dreams and twisted nightmares.

As she sat up in bed, she couldn't shake the lingering feeling of unease that clung to her like a shadow. The dreams had been particularly vivid last night, filled with dark corridors and sinister whispers that seemed to follow her wherever she went.

But Y/N was nothing if not resilient, and she refused to let a few bad dreams ruin her day. Pushing aside the lingering sense of dread, she swung her legs out of bed and made her way over to the window, throwing open the curtains to let in the morning light.

The fresh air was invigorating, and Y/N took a deep breath, letting the warmth of the sun wash over her as she surveyed the world outside. Birds chirped in the trees, and no distant sound of traffic filled the air, a comforting reminder that life went on outside the confines of her own mind. Sometimes it was a miracle to hear the morning doves these days.

With a newfound sense of peace, Y/N set about her morning routine, taking a quick shower and getting dressed which included taking care of her bandages, adding one to her hand now as well, before heading downstairs to grab some breakfast. As she made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, a lingering sense of unease that followed her like a shadow, like always, but now she knew even more so why.

'What was his name? How old was he? How long has he been here? Is he dirty? What does he do in the walls? What does....what the fuck does 'doll boy' mean?'

But Y/N refused to let it get the best of her. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she took a sip and let the warmth of the liquid soothe her nerves. Today was a new day, and she was determined to make the most of it, whatever challenges it might bring. Maybe she'll go for another ride around.. Maybe she'll think about what Hannibal said about "helping with the investigation"

As she sat at the kitchen table, lost in thought, she couldn't help but wonder what to do...she ran a hand over her face. With a sense of anticipation tinged with apprehension, she took another sip of her coffee and braced herself.

She heard loud thumping from the attic like stuff was being thrown around so she put her coffee down and made her way forwards the attic.

'What if Billy hurt himself? Is he throwing a fit? What if he's having a meltdown?' She thought, but as she turned to the hallway the attic was already open and she just stood there before looking around, nothing, what if he got out and was roaming around? So she walks torwards the ladder before she is grabbed from behind and she starts thrashing around before looking behind her expecting Billy, but it's in fact... Stu Macher?

'What is he doing here so early? Did the school really get called out like my vision said? Of course it did...'

Stu laughs and asks her about her attic "Why's this open? You look like you saw a ghost, is your house 'haunted'" he said taking a jab at her 'ghost obsession' before closing it, and then she just stares at the latch and then back at Stu,

Not that smart... (A slasher various x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now