𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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"t-then are you going to let us go now? we did everything you asked for" myungoh exclaimed

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"t-then are you going to let us go now? we did everything you asked for" myungoh exclaimed.

y/n undoubtedly find han myungoh annoying in the story, but when he come face to face y/n want nothing but to sock him one in the face.

"hmm..let you go? have you seen what's going on outside?" being smile creepily.

"are you sure you want me to let you go?" as in on cue a loud roared presumably from the sea serpent rang through the air.

"you're begging to died at this point" y/n deadpanned.

after the dokkaebi finish with his long-ass dialogue that I don't bother to wrote down he announced about the reward, being sponsored by the constellations and explaining in detail.

<sponsor selection>

1.secretive plotter.

oh look who we have here.

"hey you're lee y/n right?" dokja approach him smiling.

y/n nod .

"how many sponsors did you get?"

y/n blink before smiling sheepishly "uh one.."

dokja pause as he did a double-take what the child in front of him said.

"really who is it?" dokja smile trying not to be too suspicious.

"secretive plotter"

'who??' dokja stare at the child dumbly.


"secretive plotter"

"???" dokja could do nothing but stand there in utter confusion.

who in the name of heaven?

"oh..okay" dokja smile nodding while internally screaming 'WHO'S THAT?!'

he stare at his own screen just noticing the name 'secretive plotter'

"oh he's here too" he mutter.

m/n sigh in relief upon noticing dokja attention is no longer on him.

talking to strangers are hard y'know?

and the fact that he's a child right now is no better.

'wouldn't it be better if I'm an adult?' y/n thought to themselves before shuddering at the probability of meeting yo joonghyuk

'nevermind better to stay like this, maybe he will feel some sympathy if I'm a child'

back to the main story.

there's another constellation interest in poor ol' m/n

[familiar of woodlands]  

"w-who's that?" m/n stare at his screen in bewilderment.

'woodlands so like a forest? then a familiar, is it some sort of magical animal or something?' m/n sat down on the chair getting tired of standing around.

'well...I'm good animals so why not?' he shrugged and choose the second option.

[the sponsor selection has ended.

y/n tuned out the rest of bihyung voice not finding the need to listen to him.

"everyone gather around"

upon not seeing his brother move gilyoung resort on dragging him towards dokja.

"we need to get out of here"

all of them send each other wary glance opposed against the idea.

m/n jolt when he heard a loud slam coming from the carriage behind them.

"let's go" m/n hurried to the door first with gilyoung and his cat.

if it isn't the monster outside I might get killed by that beast, m/n shudder.

"here hurry!" m/n is in the brink of panicking worried that joonghyuk might go cuckoo and decide to slaughter everyone in sight.

"lee hyunsung can you carry the children?" dokja ask and hyunsung nod picking up gilyoung.

y/n take this as a chance and immediately scoot away not wanting to be carried.

y/n invest coins into their agility and immediately sprint after hyunsung leaving behind a deject dokja.

'and I thought he want me to carry him'

[You have entered oksu station.]

m/n watch as a barrier block their line of vision not knowing the situation on the other side hyunsung and gilyoung shout helplessly.

y/n observe their surrounding realizing tha the knows what would happened after this since he only knows dokja condition in the story.

'I supposed joonghyuk linger around for a few days and then..'

"y/n what's wrong? you're quieter than usual" gilyoung pat their shoulder in concern.

"nothing just shook up I guess" y/n send him a reassuring smile.

gilyoung hesitated before sighing and ruffling y/n hair smiling "okay"

gilyoung hesitated before sighing and ruffling y/n hair smiling "okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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