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THE LIGHTS WERE BLINDING as the demon princess found herself surrounded by the familiar walls of her late home— the infinity castle

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THE LIGHTS WERE BLINDING as the demon princess found herself surrounded by the familiar walls of her late home— the infinity castle. Ah, her father must be infuriated losing another of his lower moons.

She laughed.

She couldn't help it, it was incredibly comical. Her father, a man who lived a life searching for perfection, a man who refused to stop at nothing to get it, had not been blessed with such luck. If it wasn't already obvious, she despised him; everything about him made her insides turn.

That being said, he was still her father, and now bended to her will. It was demeaning to have to act like a perfect daughter in front of him, but it seemed to bear fruit the moment she returned 10 years ago. So, she grinned, that would do.

Muzan Kibutsuji was a man with many years under his belt. Through the many lives he lived fooling humans, he had amassed great wealth and knowledge that he had used to work towards a single goal.

In simple terms, he yearned for a perfect and unchanging body that would not be susceptible to the sun's rays. Being forced to hide away at night was vulgar, unbefitting for an almost perfect being such as himself.

It meant he had a weakness exploitable by those repulsive humans that called themselves demon slayers.

No matter what, they would always be striving for his death.

His demise.

Though, having a daughter born from his own blood seemed to change something in that heartless corpse of a body. The transfer of his deadly blood not through his usual injection but through reproduction was new.

Another puppet, he presumed. How right he was, well partially.

The one pulling the strings would not be the demon king himself, but rather the half-breed child he neglected to watch with care. Before he knew it, he had already lost her. What a laughable story it was.

The demon princess walked casually down one of the halls of the castle before eventually coming to an area that was open.

The skyscraper she now found herself standing on began to move, taking her towards her destination. Before long, the sound of her heels clicking against the hardwood floors began to clash with the sound of loud chatter.

She looked down from her spot, noticing Nakime sitting casually on her usual platform with her biwa in hand. From the nearly unnoticeable shift of her head downwards, it was clear that she acknowledged the princess's presence.

Asuna watched with an interested glean in her eye. The lower moons were in disarray now that Rui was gone and she was once again at the heart of it.

Each demon displayed their emotions very clearly on every one of their faces, which the demoness knew was something that would tick her father off.

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