Make This Right

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Beck couldn't keep the frown off his face. Once Hydra had seen the Asset in action, he'd been told that he was to change his plans. No longer was this mission an attempt to kill the Avengers--he'd instead been instructed to bring them all back alive.

Beck wrinkled his nose in disgust at the thought. He'd wanted to rid the world of the Avengers, but of course Hydra wasn't going to let that happen now that they had a chance at having an entire team of superheroes under their control, ready and willing to do whatever Hydra wanted without complaint or rebellion.

The van rolled to a stop. It was dark outside, setting the mood perfectly. Beck opened up the computers that had been hooked up in the back of the large vehicle and powered them up. The glaring blue glow lit up the space, illuminating the villains waiting inside. Scorpion sat uncomfortably beside Electro, and across from them, beside Beck, was the Asset. Fast asleep, as commanded to be by Octavious, who was sitting up front in the driver's seat. Vulture was outside, probably perched on the top of a nearby building.

"Remember, Hydra wants them alive." Beck said bitterly. Scorpion grumbled something under his breath, and Beck couldn't help but chuckle darkly. It appeared both he and Gargan felt equally put off by their new orders.

"Activate your comms," Beck said. Vulture's comms were already active, and now that Beck was set up properly he could hear the wind whistling softly in the background of Toomes' feed.

They'd parked several blocks away from the Tower, and Beck tapped a key on his keyboard to signal Vulture that they were ready for the first phase to begin. Scorpion and Electro nearly tore the van door off its hinges as they exited the vehicle, and then slammed it shut behind them. Octavious followed them out, although he was gentler with his door.

Four red dots pinged on Beck's screen, and he grinned as they all moved towards the Tower. The other screens surrounding him showed individual camera feeds from each of them, including the Asset.

"Comms check. Codenames only," Beck said into the mic attached to the headset he wore.

"Scorpion, checking in."

"Vulture, checking in."

"Electro, checking in."

"Doc, checking in."

The four dots reached the Tower, and Beck shifted the map so that he could watch them move up the side of the building. Several long minutes passed, the only sounds in the van coming from the comms. Vulture's dot began to circle the top of the Tower, and a little box appeared on his screen indicating that Vulture had started gathering data and sending it to Beck.

"What's taking him so long?" Scorpion asked impatiently over the comms. He and Doc were scaling the side of the Tower, and until Vulture had scanned the building effectively and created an appropriate entry point they were stuck clinging to the side of the skyscraper in the dark.

"Scans uploading now," Beck said from the van a few blocks away. "We have multiple heat signatures in the main living area, as well as two in the labs a floor below."

"They're gathered in one spot? Does that mean they know we're coming?" Doc asked.

"Doesn't look like it," Vulture said, the wind whistling in his comms. "They've got the girl in the room with them. They wouldn't put her in danger like that."

"Good," Beck said after a short pause. "Then move in. It's time for Phase Two." Vulture's dot moved towards Electro's and lifted him into the sky. The two on the side of the Tower were nearly at the level they needed to be as Vulture swooped in, straight for the windows and the group of unsuspecting, so-called 'heroes'.

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