🌈 Chapter 17 ~ Distance 🌈

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Book may contain mentions of:
-mentions of blood/Stitching
-mentions of injections
If these trigger you I suggest you don't read this!

Walden's Pov:

Y/N has been acting off lately.. They don't say much unless it's along the lines ' Yes sir ' or ' no sir ' to me, They don't show much emotions any more and they have been distancing themselves from everyone, they spend most of their time in their office, Then their free time wondering around the factory not talking to anyone.. it's like their a completely different person or an AI.. somethings happened.. Wallace did something.. but is don't know what..

I call Y/N over to my office, I hear a knock at my office door, "Come in.." I mumble as Y/N steps into my office, "Yes sir?.." They say in a gloomy tone, and they put their hands on my desk, I think for a moment, "Get me a coffee.." I grunt, They nod and leave my office, I notice they left their phone at my desk, So I go looking through it, I see instead of ✨Coffee Addict✨ as my text number it's just Walden, Okay now I KNOW something is wrong.. Y/N comes back with my coffee and places it on my desk and simply just leaves. I quickly turn to my computer and check the cameras, I see Y/N wondering the hallways once again but then, they halt and slowly turn to the camera I was watching them from.

They stare at me and I look at them back, Like they knew I was there... I quickly turn off my computer and do some paperwork to try and get my mind off it.. What was wrong the Y/N.. I cared to much about them to ignore this.. but wait, why were they at the third floor? Shouldn't they been on the fourth floor where their office is? Suddenly alarms go off all through the facility, the AI generated would boom throughout the factory, code Black, code Black, It would repeat. My eyes shoot open and I actually stand up and jump over my desk, And run to my office door and open it, Seeing absolute chaos wreaking through the halls, People running screaming their heads off and multiple experiments running after different people hunting them down, I immediately slam the door and lock it making sure no experiment gets in to attack me.

I get on the radio and check on Poppy, Since she's the main medic, All I hear is static noises, I panic slightly inside, But then Poppy's voice comes on with a loud SQUAWK! "oh deary me! Wally is that you? Everyones head is getting pumbled in outside the infirmary!" She squawks in panic, "Yes it's me! And I think peoples heads are getting more than ' pumbled ' at the moment" I say as I hear a workers head get slammed on my office doors, "Okay Poppy radio Barnaby, Frank and Eddie, I'll radio Howdy, Julie, Sally" I order her, "And before I go Poppy" I hesitate, "May God be with you.." I plead as I switch my radio to Howdy.

Poppy's Pov:

"May God be with you.." I hear Wally plead before static appears on my radio once again, I hear a lot of banging on the walls from creatures throwing people around in other rooms, I've locked me and the either nurses in the infirmary, I switch my radio to Barnaby, He immediately responds to my signal "Poppy! Thank lord! We have a problem! Me, Frank and Eddie are locked in the break room but it doesn't seem any subjects are coming towards our room.." he barks, "What's the problem though-" I hear loud gagging, And sobbing, "Yeah uh, Frank got attacked and has a large gash on his torso and is kinda bleeding to death out here! Eddie's TRYING to help but he's more crying seeing his husband bleed in his arms" He grunts, "I'll be there as soon as I can!.. if I don't die" I worry as I turn off my radio.

I look back at the nurses and think, "Okay you all I'm going to help some people.. don't let ANYONE.. back in.. including me.." I say, They all quietly nod, I grab a medical kit on my way out, I let the door close behind me, I sprint past all the running people getting attacked by other experiments, I manage to get to the break room door and I bang my hand (Wing??) Against the door, "It's me Barnaby! I have the medkit!" I squawk, "How do I know it's really you!" He yells back, "I know Frank is bleeding to death in there! TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY HE MIGHT DIE!" I shout, "Okayy now I know it's you.." he opens the door and let's me in, I look at Frank on the ground with a deep gash on his torso, I can hear him gag and gasp for air as his adrenaline starts to run out, Eddie is balling is eyes out next to him.

I run to Frank and immediately give him a Lidocaine injection into his torso numbing the area, I start cleaning up his torso and stitching up his gash, After stitching him back up I bandage his torso to avoid infection. Once finishing Eddie immediately hugs him, I turn on my radio to contact Walden, "Yes Poppy?" He grunts, "Frank got attacked and I had to sew up the gash.. so now I'm with Barnaby, Frank and Eddie" I report, I hear a sigh from the other end of the line, "Howdy is coming down to you guys, Me, Julie and Sally are going to take care of Y/N.." I hear him growl, "Take care of them? Why?" I question.

"They did this."

(A/N: 7 MORE DAYSS!! 🎉
Words 981)

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