Chapter 21: Fan ALERT!

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"What the hell are you idiots doing in her room!!!!!!!" I narrowed my eyes at them

"W-we just w-want to see you" Louis explained cracking his voice

"Then why use he front door morons?" I glared at them

"We want to surprise you" Harry added

"Surprise your face!" I glared at them

"W-we thought you are her so w-we you know climbed up here" Zayn said looking at Kat back to me and Mia again. they're confused

"Well that explains. She's my twin you idiots!" I crossed my arm at them and Mia just stood here surprised

They're speechless

They're jaw drops


"So if you min-" Mia cutt me off

"OMMMEEEGERD!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE ONE DIRECTION!!!!!" she yelled running towards them and hugged Louis

Oh my god. This can't be happening. I almost forgot to tell them

The boys were confused

"Uh-m ...erm... Hello?" Harry said while Mia squeezed him tight

"Forgot to tell you boys, she's a fan" I winked at them evily and laughed. Liam glared at me

Mia is currently poking Liam's cheeks. He mouthed 'Let her stop' .

I mouthed 'the fun is about to start' but he glared at me. Ok no choice!

"Mia. Come here" I still like act the older one at her tho we're still at the same age.

She hides behind me and keep whispering..

"You've been friends with these guys and how come you didn't tell me?" She whispered

"Surprise may sound good?" I lied. Well hope that works

"Whatever" she mumbled

I let them introduce their selves to each other but Mia can't focus. Of course fangirl symptoms showed up. What to expect!

I introduced them to mom,dad and Mhon. Everything seems nice. The guys get along pretty fast. They're drinking beer and talk some boys stuff in the living room while me, Mia and Mom were in the kitchen cooking dinner.


"Nice meeting you boys. Till next time" my dad gave them a shake and also joined Mhon

"Pleasure. Sir" Niall smiled

"They're leaving dad" I added. The lads gave me confused look

"We're leaving?" Louis asked

"Yes you're leaving" I glared at them and they just nod. I led them on the front door and closed the door behind us.

"What was tha-" I cut Niall off

"Good night boys" I smiled and hug them all except Niall.

"Night Kate" they all smiled and started walking home. I grabbed Niall's arm so he was left behid

"What?" He asked

"Good night Nini" I smiled and kissed his cheeks. Did I just do that? What's wrong with you Kate!!

He blushed

I bit my lip  to hide and stop from laughing. He really blushes easily.

Liam's POV

Kate hugged us and we leave.

But I can see Niall is still there

Talking to Kate. I just nod and smile

"The lovebirds" I mumbled and smile


The door cracked open and Niall was there, smiling

"What's with the smile?" I asked

"Kate" he smiled and sat on the couch


"Kissed my cheeks" he blushes


I KIDNAPPED Niall Horan?!!Where stories live. Discover now