Chapter 26: Cafe Madness

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Kate's POV

"Niall wake up" I smiled and carefully shake Niall

"W-what?" He groaned

"I said wake up"

"Hmm..No I'm sleepy and I'm comfy stay with me" he said on a sleepy voice cracking. Is he dreaming? Anyway that doesn't matter

"I have your breakfast" I teased

"What kind of breakfast" he said softly while hiding under his pillow

"Some eggs,bacon,pancakes and your favorite, potato mush" I smiled.

"If you wouldn't get your ass right here I will eat this!" I taunt and grinned. Well I wydnt do that

"Nooo!" He stood real quick and stared at me

"Why?" I asked

"My shirt" he pointed the shirt I'm wearing

"Oh just borrowed it. It look ni-" I was cut off by him. He's giving a full attack at his breakfast. What to expect, that's Niall!

"Finish your breakfast and we're going to get some coffee" I smiled MD leaved his room.

I changed into a dark washed blue jeans with my beannie , a converse and still wearing Niall's shirt. I start to like this shit. I pulled my hair in a bun and put some powder and lippies on

"You ready?" I asked him

"Yeah. Where are the lads anyway?" He asked


"You cook breakfast that early?"

"Yeah. What can I do? I'm hungry!" I complained and he playfully glared at me and laugh


" Two vanilla bean and Irish frappé" I said at the counter who is literally bored as fuck.

He clicked his machine to compute our orders

I handed my money

"That would be free mam" he said and gave our orders. I look at Niall with a confused face and he just smile

"What was that?" I asked while heading on our tables

"I don't know" he looks like he's trying to hide something

"Niall!" I glared at him

"That guy knew me so it's free" he explained

"Oh. Is that so?"I grinned


"So anything you get here is totally free. No charge. No foul. No bruise?" I grinned


"Great!" I smiled and headed back in the cashier and ordered more.

"A need that and that and oh these too. And three of these and 2 strawberry doughnuts and some gummy bears" I smiled at the cashier which is completely surprised

"And oh. Niall Horan anyway" I whispered through his ears and grinned at Niall

"Here ya go. Enjoy!. Mr. Horan hadn't tell he has a girlfriend who has a same appetite as him" the cashue grinned at me.

"Oh. Thanks. Gotta go" I fake smiled and headed back our tables

"Seriously! All of that!" Niall drips his jaw

"Yeah. Now start eating before I eat yours" I said on a full mouth and smirk

"Fine" he laughed

"Where are we going after this anyway?" Niall asked

"I don't know. Home?" I said


"Niall?" I said softly


"Your disguise sucks!" I burst out laughing

"No its not" he jokingly pouted

"Yeah it does. How come a young man like you would have a mustache like that?" I laughed again

"This is just a disguise" he stick his toungue out

"Even though. It sucks" I laughed again

"You suck too" he jokingly said

"What ever"

"I'm done" he said

"Me too"

"Ok wait for me outside. I'll buy some for the lads" he said and I nod

I'm standing outside the cafe for Niall to show up. Suddenly two arms sneaked around my waisy from behind, making me lean against a chest.Niall's unique scent reach my nose and I sighed in contempt. After a little while I fell a bit awkward just standing there having a hug from him so  try to break free but Niall won't let me. I try to wiggle on his grip but he hug me tighter

"Uhm Niall? What's wrong?" I asked

"Sssh be quiet they'll hear us" he explained


"Fans. They've seen me inside the cafe and try to attack me so I escape so I went inside the bathroom and find a window and get the hell out of there and  saw you here so I hug you to hide my from them." He said still hugging me

"Where are they?"

"Behind us. Stay still" he said softly

"Can we just walk away?"

"They'll notice me. Fans are are literally great at spotting us"

"Ok" and we stayed like that for almost a minute. Finally! The girls walked out the cafe and headed back to reality

"Wew! That was close!" Niall giggled

"Yeah" I smiled

"Uh...." He give a poker face

"Did I just hug y-you?" He asked


"I'm sorry"

"Its ok. It's for your own safety" I smiled

"Thanks again"

"No prob"

"How bout walking on our way home?"he suggested

"Yeah sure! Let's get started"

"Ok" and he smiled as we start walking

"No fans can touch you" I said and smile at him


SO HOW'S THE STORY SO FAR?????? :))))))))


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