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Hello dear readers, today I bring you a terrible and fearsome story, the famous Hogwarts director Albus Dumbledore was arrested and prosecuted for kidnapping and child abuse. If that's what you hear, Amelia Bones, head of the Auror department, has made a statement for us dear friends 'It was a classified investigation, we had a whole group of agents investigating, Albus Dumbledore along with Molly, Arthur, Ron and Geneva Weasley as well as Hermione Granger and Alastor Moody participated in a kidnapping carried out by Mr. Avery, who invaded the mansion Graunt and kidnapped the little Yury Lestrange adopted son of Corvus Lestrange from his bed, this mobilized the entire force of Aurors to the lair of the now former director, a man who also invaded the private property and ancestral home of the Blacks and that mis friends is the statement of Mrs. Bones who made sure that there were no delays and Albus Dumbledore went through a trial where everyone including his allies found him guilty.

In addition to this, another charge of kidnapping was filed since dear friends nineteen years ago Albus Dumbledore kidnapped Eldar Alexander Prince Graunt. Mr. Dumbledore gave this child to James and Lily Potter and of course he later became known as Harry Potter. Today Eldar is safe with his parents who recovered him after years of searching, Eldar accompanied by his father Severus Prince also filed a lawsuit for sexual assault.

Just as everything is heard, the story is terrible and tragic since this man is also responsible for leaving another child orphaned, Edward Lupine, godson of Eldar Graunt, since according to the testimonies of Sirius Black and Eldar, this man murdered the lord and the woman in cold blood. Mrs. Lupine in front of her son.

"We are waiting for the next report on the charges attributed to the man, at the moment he is in Azkaban but it is known that Mrs. Bones is fighting his execution."

"Wow, it's good, better than I thought..." Eldar commented, putting down the newspaper and taking a portion of his French toast.

"Yes, when he wants he can do it very well..." Severus added as he placed Teddy on his lap to give him his breakfast. The potionist had become very fond of the little boy and was trying to give him some of the love that he knew his son had been missing. when his parents were separated. Eldar for his part felt happy to see his father with another child, in a way it was like seeing how he had been raised.

-What will happen now?-

-Now we just have to make sure that all the changes are made through legal means, this war has definitely taken too much toll- Tom answered, looking at his son holding hands with Rabastan and his husband playing with his adopted grandson, yes, he definitely It had taken a long time.

"Dad, do you think you could take care of Teddy today?" Eldar asked. "Rabastan said he wanted to show me something..."

-Yes, of course, just be careful..-

"Thank you," the older man said, knowing that this was also his brother's approval to go out with his son. Severus and Tom just nodded as the conversation about Dumbledore's arrest continued.

In a distant room on the upper floor George was curled up in Rodolphus's arms, the man had spent the night telling him everything that had happened and comforting him because he was horrified by what his family had done to the boy, the older man did not leave. of the pregnant young man all night, and stayed there the next morning, wanting to be a steady rock for the youngest who felt the world around him was falling apart.

"Are you okay with this, Rodo?" He asked after a long silence, with his face hidden in the man's chest.

With what thing?-

"With this..." he said, placing his hand and Rodolphus's on his belly.

-That's the most beautiful thing there is, you will be a great father and I want to be by your side...-

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