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"What are you doing after this" I asked Maddison putting my phone down

"Go home and get ready because it's the first time I'm going to meet your family" She said as her parents were walking towards us

"We're going to the car don't take long" Her mom said leaving McDonald's

"We'll I don't want you to get in trouble because of me" I said putting my phone in my pocket

"Why would I get in trouble" She said holding my hand

"Because you have you parent waiting for you" I said putting my free hand on her waist and pulling her towards me

"We have about five minutes together let's not worry about that" She said wrapping her arms around my neck

"How about I take you home and let your parents leave" I said hugging her waist and giving her a quick kiss on her cheek

"Ok let me tell them" She said getting up I got my leftover food and walked right behind her and went to my truck to put the pancakes away I then walked over to her dads truck and she was still talking to them

"What time will you bring her back" Her dad asked me

"I just offered to take her home so you guys can leave and won't wait for her" I told them playing with my sweater sleeve

"Maddison I can just go and I'll pick you up later just text me" I told her giving her a hug and excusing myself

"No I'm going with you" She said mad at her dad

"I don't want you to get in trouble and if you don't listen to them then they won't let you go with me later and I'll rather spend hours with you instead of 30 minutes" I told her

"Ok fine I'll text you so you can pick me up later" She said giving me a hug

"Ok" I responded also hugging her back and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek

I opened the truck door for her and said my goodbyes and walked to my truck turning it on I made my way to my house and started to look for what I was going to wear I found something simple and laid it out on my bed then I got bored and fell asleep my mom woke me up three hours later to start getting ready I took a shower and got ready

My Princess💗

I'm ready you can
come over now

Ok I'll be their
in a little

Ok drive safe

I quickly got two hoodies and I made sure I had my phone, wallet, and my headphones I then went to my moms room and told her that I'm going to pick up Maddison and that I'll see her at the party

I walked out the front door and went towards my truck and got in and put my stuff in the back and started driving to Maddison's house once I got their I knocked on the front door and her dad opened it

"Valeria hello again" Mr Newman said

"Hello Mr Newman" I said

"She's in her room you know where that's at" Mr Newman said closing the door and walking away

I walked up the stairs and went towards her bedroom door and knocked she opened her bedroom door and moved aside so I can go in I sat on her bed as she finishes getting ready I see that she's wearing shoes and not heels making it easier for both of us

After a while she said she was ready and we walked downstairs to let her parents know we're leaving

"Ok mom and dad were leaving I see you guys later" She said giving them a hug and walking with me towards the door

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs Newman see you guys later" I said opening the door for her then close it

We get inside of the truck and I start driving to my aunts house on our way their I had my arm resting on the middle console and Maddison grabs my arm and puts it on her laps while she plays with the ring on my finger when we passed the first gas station I noticed that my truck needed gas so I stop to put gas

"Do you want anything" I asked opening the door

"No thanks I'm okay" She said

I finished pumping gas and my aunt calls me

"Whats up" I asked

"We're are you" She said

"At the gas station why do you need anything because I'm in town" I offered

"Yes I actually need some limes and some more cinnamon sticks fast please" She said

"Ok I'm already done here I'll be their in about 30 minutes" I told her hanging up

I put the gas gun back we're it goes and get in the truck and drive to a local shop

"Do you want to get off with me or wait for me in the truck" I ask Maddison pulling into the store

"I'll go with you don't want anyone flirting with you like last time on FaceTime" She said unbuckling herself

"Ok hold on" I said getting of the truck and running to her side

"Thank you" She said giving me a kiss on the cheek

I hold her hand as I close the door and locked my truck and walk into the store I get a basket and go into the vegetable section and get 20 limes because she didn't say how much she needed the I ask here a worker where the cinnamon sticks are at and she said follow me and gave me a bag but I needed more so I got 7 more once I was done I asked Maddison if she wanted anything and she said no and we went to pay I payed and walked back to my truck and started talking about how my family is like so the ride their is not boring

Once we get their I noticed a lot of my family already here I get the bag and walk over to Maddison's side and help her out even tho I got her a latter I still want to help her

I grab her hand and we start walking towards the garage door

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